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A friendly or hostile universe
@Manifestation - law of attraction/assumption

I wanted to share this quote by Albert Einstein with you:

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

I think he is right in what he says here because this is a core believe. If you try to manifest while believing the universe/God is hostile against you, you will be battling and fighting with yourself, but if you believe, that it's a friendly universe, then that will be part of reality and God/the universe will listen to every word you say and execute it immediately, and everything will go fluidly smooth.

Surrender to God, believe in Him, trust Him and He will reward you.

#manifestation #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #religion #spirituality
there is no He. There is only All That Is. And it takes free will action to manifest 😀
@Yosemite Damn
When I talk about God I really mean something that is part of oneself. As Jesus said "My Father and I are one". God is not an external thing.

When you say free will action, what kind of action do you mean? Action in the external world or internal action to change the thoughts and beliefs associated with that thing?
divinity is not external, agreed. Free will action is both internal and external. To manifest anything takes both 😀
@Yosemite Damn
I agree. Though I would add that manifestation doesn't always take external action. I think it depends on one's beliefs regarding whether it's required or not. I have manifested many things which just magically happened or appeared without any action aside from the internal work I had done.
are you sure? How do you know one or more of the myriad of small decisions and actions you take every day without noticing didn't put you in from of the opportunity that "magically" happened? 😀
@Yosemite Damn
Well when I changed my dating life, girls i didn't know started adding me on Facebook or Instagram to go out on dates with them. I dont see how I could have any influence on that in the 3D world. I didn't change pictures on my profiles so how.

Tinder also started booming and again - no change in pictures or profile text. No change in the profile at all.
@Yosemite Damn
Another example is changing the weather. How can I change the weather with my physical body? It simply isn't possible 😀 I can't take my hands and move the clouds away.
are you sure? Thoughts are energetic things, ask science 😀

I'm just saying you make your own reality within the constraints of this 3D temporal context, 100%. And that fact doesn't require your personal belief in it in order to operate, although your beliefs do influence it 😀
@Yosemite Damn
I have gone beyond those constraints many times, so science must be wrong, then 😀
@Yosemite Damn
In that case I just made some new science proving the old science to have been wrong 😀