Items tagged with: manifestation
#Dijon #Paysans #manifestation #solidarité avec #laConf #ConfédérationPaysanne
[En #images] Retour sur la manifestation pour un autre modèle agricole
samedi 10 février, à l'appel de la confédération paysanne, environ 400 personnes ont manifesté pour dénoncer l'emprise du lobby agro-industriel et exiger une sortie du modèle actuel qui accaparent et détruisent tout, bloquant toute véritable transition agroécologique, pour exiger une agriculture (...)
[En images] Retour sur la manifestation pour un autre modèle agricole
samedi 10 février, à l'appel de la confédération paysanne environ 400 personnes ont manifester pour dénoncer l’emprise du lobby agro-industriel et exiger une sortie du modèle actuel qui (...)
Hebrews 11:11
#bible #manifestation #spirituality @spirituality group @Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard
@Manifestation - law of attraction/assumption
I wanted to share this quote by Albert Einstein with you:
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”
I think he is right in what he says here because this is a core believe. If you try to manifest while believing the universe/God is hostile against you, you will be battling and fighting with yourself, but if you believe, that it's a friendly universe, then that will be part of reality and God/the universe will listen to every word you say and execute it immediately, and everything will go fluidly smooth.
Surrender to God, believe in Him, trust Him and He will reward you.
#manifestation #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #religion #spirituality
“Whenever you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against anyone, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins. But if you do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.”
Mark 11:22-26
@Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard @spirituality group
#bible #spirituality #manifestation
Being delusional pays off.
#spirituality #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #loa #manifestation
@spirituality group @Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard