Items tagged with: loa
Hebrews 11:1
@Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard @spirituality group
#bible #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #loa #spirituality
#lawofassumption #loa #lawofattraction #spirituality @spirituality group @Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard's mentor Abdullah was a cool guy in my opinion. He was a Christian, but not in the same way as mainstream Christians. He said that anything is God and nothing is poisonous for you. The only thing, that makes some things poisonous for you, is your belief that it is so - because the outer world is a reflection of the inner world and there is no exception to this. Anything you see on the outside is a creation by the mind. Many people believe this to some degree but have limitations to how far you can go - Abdullah had no limitations and the knowledge he had came from the Bible.
@Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard
@spirituality group
#loa #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #spirituality #christianity
Being delusional pays off.
#spirituality #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #loa #manifestation
@spirituality group @Law Of Assumption by Neville Goddard
Romans 14:14
The Bible tells us in this scripture that there is nothing in this world that is inherently unclean, but that it is the consumer's attitude towards what he consumes that makes it poisonous/unclean.
#lawofassumption #loa #lawofattraction #spirituality #spiritual #bible #christianity