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Items tagged with: strike

Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.




Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #eugenedebs #socialism #IWW #union #strike #antiwar #sedition #prison #potus #motherjones #bigbillhaywood #lucyparsons

Campaign poster from his 1912 presidential campaign featuring Debs and vice presidential candidate Emil Seidel. Public Domain,

Retreating striking miners being shot in their backs by deputized posse, September 10, 1897. By Unknown author - The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12, 1897, Public Domain,

Still #banned on #youtube as of 4-13-2023 because they haven't addressed my appeal against their #strike for "linking to sexually explicit nudity" in my interview with my #intersex friend (the "porn" in question was to a discord server they run that serves as a resource and support group for other intersex people). Just a warning that no URL is safe in a Youtube description--those crazy kids' #algorithms will decide ANYTHING is "porn."
screenshot from my youtube studio page, showing that the appeal I filed over them banning a link to an intersex support network as "linking to nudity and sexual content" is stuck in "submitted" limbo

Content warning: Police Brutality; Vigilantes

HarperCollins Union is on day 39 of their strike with no word from HarperCollins execs.

so this is just a reminder that a better entry pay in publishing makes working in publishing more accessible for people who come from systematically marginalized backgrounds. In turn that means we will also see more diverse books being acquired for us to read.

Higher pay is good for ALL OF US and HarperCollins execs have been unwilling to come to the bargaining table.

#strike #bookstodon #reading
