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Still #banned on #youtube as of 4-13-2023 because they haven't addressed my appeal against their #strike for "linking to sexually explicit nudity" in my interview with my #intersex friend (the "porn" in question was to a discord server they run that serves as a resource and support group for other intersex people). Just a warning that no URL is safe in a Youtube description--those crazy kids' #algorithms will decide ANYTHING is "porn."
screenshot from my youtube studio page, showing that the appeal I filed over them banning a link to an intersex support network as "linking to nudity and sexual content" is stuck in "submitted" limbo
Why the fuck does #youtube #ban links to #nudity anyway? Sexually explicit links, fine, whatever, they don't want people to link to porn. But who the fuck cares about nudity? Yet you know they don't ban links to sites selling guns, etc. Fuck #thePatriarchy
fascism and fame: a play in two acts
two screenshots side by side, on the left YouTube is congratulating me for reaching five thousand views on shorts, on the right I'm still banned from uploading after they gave me a strike for "linking to sexually explicit nudity" (am intersex support group)
hahaha they can ban you and still keep people hooked on the platform (and watching ads) using your videos, that you provide for free