Items tagged with: openaccess
Wir suchen an der #FHPotsdam 2 Projektmitarbeiter*innen für das @bmbf_bund Projekt "Kulturwandel in den Rechtswissenschaften" #KidReWi
Im Fokus steht die juristische Monographie (zB Fachbuch, Gesetzeskommentar, Festschrift) & die Frage, welche Publikationsstrukturen hier für #OA notwendig sind.
#FediJur #JuraBubble #ReWi #Job
Stellenangebote FH Potsdam | FH Potsdam
Finden Sie Ihre Stelle an unserer Hochschule! Unsere öffentlich ausgeschriebenen Stellenangebote für Professuren, wissenschaftliches und nichtwissenschaftliches Personal sowie für Studierende werden regelmäßig
Science Rebels Take on Major Publishers
Over 40 leading scientists have resigned from the prestigious journal Neuroimage last month, protesting an inequitable publishing model built on gatekeeping and false scarcity.Academic publishing is fundamental to the advancement of modern science.Electronic Frontier Foundation
"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.
In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."
#Europe #RightsRetention
EU ready to back immediate open access without author fees - Research Professional News
Provisionally agreed position also expresses support for non-profit publishing modelsRachel Magee (Research Professional News)
They’re all #OpenAccess, available for download in PDF until Wednesday, January 11.
Elsevier extracts rent from publicly funded #research by making society pay for it twice through article-processing-charges and subscription.
It also draws unreasonable profits from labor that academics do for free.
#publishing #OpenScience #OpenAccess
- Physics: @physics
- Astronomy: @astro
- Biology: @biology
- Chemistry: @chemistry
- Computer Science: @compsci
- Mathematics: @math
- Political Science: @polsci