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Items tagged with: UN

United Nations Special Rapporteur Visits Northern #Alberta

TREATY 6 (EDMONTON)—Representatives from Treaty 8, Treaty 6, and Keepers of the #Water will meet the #UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, during his visit to Canada. Arrojo-Agudo is visiting April 8 - 19 to discuss safe drinking water and sanitation. Alberta is facing a drought in 2024, and the extraction industry still has the right to much of the water that is left.

“Keepers of the Water will attend this meeting to share the serious concerns related to Water, such as the proposal to dump the toxic tailings into the Athabasca River and other industrial contamination concerns, as well as the immense water use by Industry and how that will impact this entire society as we are in a drought.”

Jesse Cardinal, Executive Director, Keepers of the Water

Saudi-Arabien und die Frauenrechte: Freie Fahrt für Frauen? So nicht

Saudi-Arabien übernimmt den Vorsitz der UN-Frauenrechtskommission. Allerdings werden in dem muslimischen Land Frauenrechte jeden Tag beschnitten.#Saudi-Arabien #Frauenrechte #UN #Kommission #Gefängnis #Vollverschleierung #Alltag #Gesellschaft
Saudi-Arabien und die Frauenrechte: Freie Fahrt für Frauen? So nicht

UN warnen vor "massiver Katastrophe" im südlichen Gazastreifen

Tausende Palästinenser fliehen angesichts der Kämpfe im Gazastreifen nach Rafah. Schon jetzt ist die Lage in der Stadt an der Grenze zu Ägypten angespannt. Halte die Massenflucht weiter an, werde dies verheerende Folgen haben, warnen die UN.#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #Massenflucht #UN
UN warnen vor "massiver Katastrophe" im südlichen Gazastreifen

"The award-winning #Ukrainian #writer and #war crimes #researcher Victoria Amelina was critically injured in a #Russian missile strike on a pizza restaurant in eastern #Ukraine this week.

#HumanRights activists say the attack on the crowded building, which killed 12 people including 14-year-old twins and injured at least 60 others, was a #WarCrime."

#ArrestPutin #RussianWarCrimes #UN #NATO #G7 #EU #WTO #BRICS #China #SouthAfrica #India #Brazil #RussiaIsATerroristState

When Russia fired two Iskandar missiles at a pizza restaurant in Kramatorsk Tuesday, these two 14-year-old twins were killed: Yulia and Anna Aksenchenko.

There were 15 kids in the basement of the restaurant celebrating graduation.

12 people died. 60 were injured.

This is the essential difference: When Al-Quada terrorists kill civilians, we hunt down and kill their leader.

When Putin does it, politicians reserve his stooges a seat at the table in the #UN.

This is wrong.


So what is #Europe's plan to deter terrorist #Russia from committing the #terrorist act of blowing up the Zaporizhzhia #nuclear power plant in #Ukraine?

What's #NATO's plan to prevent this?

Or is it just the usual "expressing our concern, are monitoring the situation, and talking to our partners" bullsh** that #Putin couldn't care less about?

First the dam blown up.
No reaction. No consequence.

What next? What's the deterrent? Anyone?

#ArrestPutin #StopRussianAggression #EU #UN #sanctions
Russian war crimes