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Items tagged with: HEATWAVE

I keep suggesting people stop moving to the US deserts, but it looks like #Brazil is in really deep trouble.

“5 Billion people will face extreme heat [for] at least a month each year by 2050”

#GiftArticle #ClimateEmergency #HeatWave

Graph: Days with highly dangerous heat in the sun, Wet-bulb globe temperature above 89.6 Farenheit

Top axis, timeline: 2000, 2030, 2050
Left axis, number of days

Data: Example cities, with number of days of dangerous heat for the 3 years, worst first. (Most of the following numbers are approximated from the visual graph.)

Pkanbaru, Indonesia: 310-325-344
worst increase for Belém, Brazil: 48-149-223
Dubai, UAE: 165-180-189
Kolkata, India: 150-170-188
big increase for Nimule, South Sudan: 35-95-159
Phoenix, Arizona, USA: 60-85-102 or + 42 days
Freetown, Sierra Leone: 10-45-92 or + 82 days
Temperate cities farther north will be less impacted by highly dangerous heat.
Washington DC: 1-6-10
Madrid, Spain: 0-4-9

Climate mini-rant coming...

When the seas are boiling and the sky is on fire, don't come crawling to science looking for help.

#Science has tried to help us for decades. Science saw this coming, crafted solutions, and shouted them from the rooftops. Those in power did not listen.

So, go pick a god and pray to it.

Appeal to the Kardashians.

Maybe Lebron James or Elon Musk will help.

Perhaps a podcast will intervene and save us,

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #HeatWave
Photo of a wildfire that is a raging inferno. A firefighter in protective gear stands in the foreground with a hellish landscape of fire and smoke behind him.

Text reads : At least billionaires are getting richer.

My town is expected to hit a high of 46 Celsius degrees for each of the next four days.

#ClimateCrisis #Heatwave #India #GlobalWarming