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Items tagged with: climateemergency

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

I keep suggesting people stop moving to the US deserts, but it looks like #Brazil is in really deep trouble.

“5 Billion people will face extreme heat [for] at least a month each year by 2050”

#GiftArticle #ClimateEmergency #HeatWave

Graph: Days with highly dangerous heat in the sun, Wet-bulb globe temperature above 89.6 Farenheit

Top axis, timeline: 2000, 2030, 2050
Left axis, number of days

Data: Example cities, with number of days of dangerous heat for the 3 years, worst first. (Most of the following numbers are approximated from the visual graph.)

Pkanbaru, Indonesia: 310-325-344
worst increase for Belém, Brazil: 48-149-223
Dubai, UAE: 165-180-189
Kolkata, India: 150-170-188
big increase for Nimule, South Sudan: 35-95-159
Phoenix, Arizona, USA: 60-85-102 or + 42 days
Freetown, Sierra Leone: 10-45-92 or + 82 days
Temperate cities farther north will be less impacted by highly dangerous heat.
Washington DC: 1-6-10
Madrid, Spain: 0-4-9

More than 90% of emperor penguin colonies are predicted to be all but extinct by the end of the century, as the continent's seasonal sea-ice withers in an ever-warming world.

#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint

The surface temperature of the world’s oceans has hit its highest ever level as climate breakdown from burning fossil fuels causes the oceans to heat.

#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint

Climate mini-rant coming...

When the seas are boiling and the sky is on fire, don't come crawling to science looking for help.

#Science has tried to help us for decades. Science saw this coming, crafted solutions, and shouted them from the rooftops. Those in power did not listen.

So, go pick a god and pray to it.

Appeal to the Kardashians.

Maybe Lebron James or Elon Musk will help.

Perhaps a podcast will intervene and save us,

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #HeatWave
Photo of a wildfire that is a raging inferno. A firefighter in protective gear stands in the foreground with a hellish landscape of fire and smoke behind him.

Text reads : At least billionaires are getting richer.

Flames engulf a house as a wildfire burns in Saronida, near Athens, Greece, on Monday.

It takes a village…

…of billionaires to wreck a planet.

They don’t need to have a majority, or anything even close to a plurality. All it takes is a few thousand sociopathic billionaires — the population of a village — to take full control of everything and then completely ruin our livable biosphere while further enriching themselves.

The scale on the image below is NOT exaggerated. In less than two centuries, and especially just within the last 30 years, capitalist oligarchs have burned so much coal, oil, and gas that our climate system simply can’t handle it.

It’s almost out of control now. But the people who are to blame have names and addresses.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

Image source —
Graphic shows average global temperature from 20,000 BC until the present, then extended until 2100. Also indicated are the safe climate temperature zone, the rise of human civilization, the start of the industrial revolution, and the extreme temperature danger zones that we will reach before 2050 and before 2100 if current policies are not changed.

Line graph shows average world temperatures from 1979 until today, with 2023 trending far above the average, now into record territory.
Graph shows "monthly global sea surface temperature departure from 20th century average." The trend is steadily upward from 1900 until 2023, with a new record in June of this year

“If a few decades ago, some people might have thought climate change was a relatively slow-moving phenomenon, we are now witnessing our climate changing at a terrifying rate,” says Professor Peter Stott, who leads the UK Met Office’s climate monitoring team. “As the El Niño builds through the rest of this year, adding an extra oomph to the damaging effects of human-induced global heating, many millions of people across the planet and many diverse ecosystems are going to face extraordinary challenges and unfortunately suffer great damage.”

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Chart showing "Monthly averages of atmospheric CO2 as recorded at Mauna Loa in Hawaii."

Amounts of CO2 rapidly climb from ~325 ppm in 1960 to ~418 ppm in 2020. 

Graphic also notes when various meetings were held and agreements were made to limit or reduce carbon emissions. None of this has had any effect.

This is a good primer, if you or someone you know needs a basic understanding of how climate change works and how damaging its effects can be...

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

This article is sickening to read. It perfectly encapsulates the disgusting horror of consumer capitalism at its very worst while presenting the stark difference in reality between the Global North and South.

‘It’s like a death pit’
How Ghana became fast fashion’s dumping ground

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Pollution
Graphic illustrates in seven steps "How T-shirts donated to charity are causing pollution in Ghana."

Four fairly regular glacial-interglacial cycles occurred during the past 450,000 years. The shorter interglacial cycles (10,000 to 30,000 years) were about as warm as present and alternated with much longer (70,000 to 90,000 years) glacial cycles substantially colder than present. Notice the longer time with jagged cooling events dropping into the colder glacials followed by the faster abrupt temperature swings to the warmer interglacials.

Greta Thunberg, in her graduation dress, posing outside the Swedish Parliament with her School Strike for the Climate sign.

Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg), from page 19 of The Climate Book:

"Most people today are living well within the planetary boundaries. It is only a minority of us who have caused this crisis and who keep driving it forward. The widely popular argument that ‘there are too many people’ is a very misleading one. Population does matter, but it is not people who are causing emissions and depleting the Earth, it is what *some* people do. It is some people’s habits and behavior, in combination with our economic structures, that are causing the catastrophe."


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateJustice
A photo of Greta Thunberg, holding a microphone and speaking at a rally -- shown along with the front cover of The Climate Book.

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid its ‘worst heat wave in history’

(CNN) — Dozens of heat records have fallen in Siberia, as temperatures climbed above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 Celsius).

Despite only being early June, records are tumbling across parts of Siberia as extreme heat pushes into unusually high latitudes

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #climate #Siberia

Chart that shows trends in atmospheric CO2 versus global temperature change.

CO2 concentration rises from ~315 ppm in 1962 to ~420 ppm in 2021. Chart is annotated with dates of international meetings to address climate change, none of which have had any appreciable effect.

Report proposes tax on the ultra-rich to finance a global climate fund

Led by French economists Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel, the study advocates a progressive rate of 1.5% to 3% for fortunes of over $100 million

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate

"The world’s reliance on hi-tech capitalist solutions to the climate and ecological crises is perpetuating racism, the outgoing UN racism rapporteur has warned".

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Electrifying the US postal service fleet as we replace the old trucks we've been using for decades was an obvious win if we could make it happen. Its now happening!

#uspolitics #climate #climatecrisis #climateemergency