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Items tagged with: johnmastodon

So yeah, things are not algorithmically amplified — nor algorithmically buried either, however. There is no artificial virality, but there is also no artificial obscurity.

The dynamics are different.

This does not mean things *cannot* go viral — they can, as #JohnMastodon shows if anyone needed any proof.

I strongly believe Fediverse *can* support social movements (it is one), and that interactions here might be more meaningful thanks to lack of certain "virality-enhancing" features.


Going from "certain features that cause virality are not implemented here" to "hence things cannot go viral here" not two weeks after #JohnMastodon went certifiably viral is… a take.

Going a step further and claiming this somehow means fedi could not have supported social movements is even more of a jump.

One way I could respond to that is: this whole network is a social movement, for Dog's sake! It started off as a social movement of people who wanted out of walled gardens.



Content warning: Mtg/john mastodon

The #JohnMastodon thing was only funny enough for one night of jokes, but miraculously, it fueled eight nights of jokes.
#Channukah #Mazeldon

Might want to remind your government representative to set up a Mastodon instance this Christmas.

#JohnMastodon #FriendsOfJohn

Wow -- it's really happening! They're making #JohnMastodon!

I'm so excited for this, I can't even begin to tell you.

#JohnMastodonTheMovie #film
A movie poster for a film called "John Mastodon" with the tagline "Someone's Getting Trampled Tonight'. The poster image shows a hulking elephant wearing a trenchcoat in a gloomy interior. Underneath the title and tagline is a list of actors and other entities involved in the film. Text at the top of the image reads 'Starring John Mastodon as himself' and text at the bottom says 'Based on a true story'.

Photograph of #Mastodon founder #JoanMastodon from the early 1960's. Mastodon is seen manually transcribing telegraphed toots into the first ever instance (in background). Mastodon gained late fame when she was banned from Twitter while being mistaken with a guy called #JohnMastodon who actually never existed.
Foto der schwarzen NASA-Informatikerin Melba Roy Mouton.

With #johnmastodon, I'm reminded of the YouTuber Raysfire, who refers to Jonesy (ostensibly the mascot of Fortnite) as John Fortnite, enough that it became a meme. And turns out, John Fortnite has his own alternative universe lore page.

Can we just reflect on how some journalists are struggling with the concept of a social media network without a "Guy In Charge of It All" so much that one of them made up a guy?

How will they write about the King of Mastodons feuding with The King of the Twitters?

I'm starting to realize just how unaware many people must be of the remarkable things happing right now to social media.

I was told that THIS (what we are doing) could NEVER happen. But it is!


In the twilight of a time
There emerges a need for man to comprehend his own bitter fate
Finally resigned to the inevitable beyond, he searches the ages, desperate for stories of assurance, redemption and hope
Such tales fill page upon page with enough ink to flood a thousand valleys, and drown the tallest tree
But there is one tale that has as yet been untold
The story of... #JohnMastodon

This is the most recent photo of Juan alias #JohnMastodon, taken in early 2013, near Nogales, Sonora. Sightings have been reported in Accra, Taipei, Longyearbyen and Chennai over the years.

To this day, he remains an active developer and Benevolent Dictator for Life of Mastodon.
A black and white profile of a man in bad lghting.

Who is John Mastodon? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Mastodon. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that... he is gone.


My name is #JohnMastodon...
An internaut...
In some distant part of the #fediverse...
Aboard this ship...
Of escaped users...
If you can hear me... will you follow?
If I open the door... are you ready?

If you not...
you'll never know...
the wonders I've seen...


#JohnMastodon was born Juan Mastodón Torresmochas in East Palo Alto. He was the first person in his family to go to college (San José State). Juan graduated summa cum laude and went to work at various unicorn startups across Silicon Valley, where folks insisted on calling him John.

After a successful decade, he grew disillusioned with the rat race and began work on his radical vision of a distributed social network. His current location is unknown.

The #JohnMastodon

3 oz whiskey
1.5 oz sweet vermouth
A drop of maple syrup
4 dashes #ElonMusk 's bitter tears

Shake with ice, and decentralize between 2 rocks glasses.

#twittermigration #cocktails

Where have you gone, #JohnMastodon, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo woo woo

Who's the toughest?

#JohnMastodon, #BillBrasky, #ChuckNorris, #PaulBunyan

Boost this poll, dammit. I want to be Fediverse famous just once.

  • Bill Brasky (5%, 9 votes)
  • Paul Bunyan (4%, 7 votes)
  • John Mastodon (81%, 141 votes)
  • Chuck Norris (9%, 17 votes)
174 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

I’m a social scientist, so I’m not sure whether this is irony or some other sort of literary device. But...apparently someone REALLY DID create a @johnmastodon account on the birdsite (presumably sometime today) and it REALLY DID get suspended. 😳

Screenshot with the text “@Johnmastodon “Account suspended” “Twitter suspends accounts that violate the Twitter Rules. Learn more”

John Mastodon was a mean tootin' man
He died with a cell phone in his hand
Bad ol' Elon wouldn't cut him no slack
#JohnMastodon ain't ever comin' back

As usual history has erased the truth. It was #JoanMastodon, not #JohnMastodon. She is the one who de-extincted the giant woolly beasts of the great plains using DNA culled from a single tooth! Joan rode upon the back of the greatest tooter of them all to San Francisco, where a herd of ancient Pleistocene mammals defeated the Bad Car Man! Long live Joan! Long live Mastadonity! #noxp

There were three men came out of the West
Their fortunes for to try
And these three men made a solemn vow
#JohnMastodon must die