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How do you use Mastodon on your phone?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Official mobile web (11%, 196 votes)
  • Official Mastodon app (20%, 328 votes)
  • 3rd-party app (63%, 1041 votes)
  • None (4%, 77 votes)
1642 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

The official app is not very user friendly. The mobile web is shoddy on Safari (iOS). I therefore use a third party app (Metatext, which is developerless atm, so I'm on borrowed time there)
The official app is lacking important features like the federated timeline that they have refused to implement despite being the most liked and replied to issue on their GitHub so I use the megalodon fork that adds them. I find the lack of feature parity a real shame because many will just download the official app without ever using the webUI or a 3rd party app. Hopefully they change their mind on this (and other features like unlisted visibility) like they did with the local timeline. 😖
Fedilab. Mastodon is the only social media I use on my phone. I was too distrustful of Facebook and Twitter apps to use them.

Part of what got me to post here when I joined in '21.

Of course, my feed is quite busy and more interesting than Facebook, now (also Twitter, but my Twitter account was never very interesting -- never seemed to click for me).

What really intrigues me is how much better Mastodon was (even in '21) than Diaspora, since they are similar in many ways.
3rd party on Android and Offical Masto app on main.
@jonn what do you mean by "on main" here?
on the main device, sorry. Which is sadly an #iPhone.

Actually, the story goes like this: I wanted to buy a photocamera to take good photos (my Android is a potato), but since my Android is physically damaged and is barely operational (I still take it with me to travels so that I have an extra device and use it to catch up with some people); I figured that I should go for an iPhone. 🙁

It's actually OK and I don't use many applications on it, since Apple ecosystem is worse than Android, so weirdly enough it allowed me to break free from having too much of phone screen time.

Conversely, Apple has amazing productivity apps. It made me actually do some writing before sleep from the phone! Overall, I'm happy with the move, it's still Apple, a company affiliated with an oppressive regime, so I still feel guilty for owning the product that they made by exploiting this affiliation, but feeling guilty is normal 😁
I use @megalodon's app, Megalodon. It's pink! You can change it to other colors too. I love the green for dark mode.

It can be set up to display the federated timeline, which I couldn't figure out how to do on some other apps.
My reaction: "There's an official Mastodon app?" People told me about Tusky, which I tried and use sometimes, but I prefer the web client.
This needs to be based on your phone OS... as my answer varies by OS...

on iOS I use Ivory Beta or Metatext because they're both nice.

on Android, there are ZERO non-terrible clients I use then native mobile web client - I hate that too, but it is far better than any of the android clients which universally suck.
@subu_caps did you count the pwa as official mobile web or official app?
@EconOtter I should have made it multichoice.
The idea that there is a Mastodon client is actually rather disconcerting. I mean, is there an Apache web browser? Or a Dovecot or Postfix mail reader?
Thanks for posting this. It made me think about how I love the way mastodon is pure web UI on my laptop, and wonder why I never gave Firefox on my phone a proper chance as a mastodon client before installing metatext.
I use the official and more than one 3rd-party, each for a different instance.
I’m big believer in anon accounts, handles. and pseudonyms. But not crossing the streams.
@lindamciver Twidere Android app that covers Mastodon and Twitter - well not the latter any more but it was a while before I realised that.
wait, we need a list of good 3 party apps. Who is using what?
@joseph you should definitely do that in another thread, not including me, please!
I couldn't even get the official client to work. Ended up on fedilab which is awesome.
I would even make a case that Mastodon developers should focus on making API, and growing the moderation team. Creating a union of moderators so that other servers can join more easily for the fee or membership they pay to moderators.

They could leave UI/UX mostly for third-party app makers, Elk is already way better. What is missing though is a lot of API, like how to get the following graphs of remote users, and pull more old posts & replies, restrict replies, etc...
I'm still using a GSM, it doesn't support running Mastodon 😛

*OG hipster*
On my phone, the web UI. On my tablet, I was using Metatext and now @tootapp
It's funny how the web UI feels right on a super narrow screen, but on a wider touchscreen it was uncomfortable enough that I kept looking.
megalodon. Basically 3rd party, but it's a fork of the official app
is there a bonus to using a 3rd party app? What ones are best?
They're ALL 3rd party apps, darnit, my instance isn't masto.soc.
WHICH app is an ongoing process; using Megalodon at the moment but I have several others queued to try out. My needs aren't sophisticated right now, though.
i have used tusk but honestly the official app has some nice smoothness to it, though missing the lists, but that is what i use my desktop/laptop for
I have Metatext, which is fine. I can’t work out how to upload a photo that isn’t full size on it though, so I still use the web at times instead.
Fedilab for Android here 👌👌
I'm actually really happy with Toot! I check in with Ivory as well, but generally prefer Toot! to Ivory, at least so far.
All of the above, but there’s not an option for that.
Progressive Web App (categorized as option 'None')
@strght so, you feel like that's so different from the official mobile web experience that they can't be classified together?
I was not sure of the precise definition.
Really enjoying the @tooot app. I appreciate the true dark theme, utilitarian, conherent interface.
(o) 3rd-party web (elk)
Question to everyone who's using a third party app - it'll be interesting to hear which app you use, and on which platform (Android, iPhone, Mac etc).

Thanks. 🙏
I mostly use my thumbs.
I've used the Mastodon app on Android since I joined. Seems ok to me. I haven't seen an alternative, so I don't know what I'm missing.
This is great information! I'm pleasantly surprised to see so many people using 3rd-party apps. That's a good sign of a vibrant ecosystem.

I use the official PWA, which is very nice.

If I had a quibble with the state of the ecosystem right now, it's that there's not as much wild experimentation in clients as I'd like.

Where are the apps where the timeline goes sideways, Plurk-like?

Who is experimenting with algorithmic sorting of the timeline?

Who is doing integration with voice assistants?
The apps that are out there are very nice -- I have also used @Tusky and -- but the conceptual model is very uniform.

We don't have to follow the Mastodon default conceptual model! Nobody can stop you if you make a wackadoodle app that replicates Yo! Mods are asleep, let's get weird.
@Tusky Oh, and anyone who wants to tell me that there's EXACTLY ONLY ONE RIGHT WAY everyone has to experience the fediverse EVER EVER EVER can suck eggs. I didn't get in the federation game for rigid uniformity.
I have been looking for this kind of experimentation as well, but we just barely have any clients supporting everything Mastodon supports. Hopefully this will come in time. Also, while still mostly uniform, Toot! does bring a bunch of whimsy.
@megalodon seems to be another choice now too
@Tusky Would be fun to have some sort of competition to make wacky things built on top of ActivityPub
I did see a test flight link for an app that had you swipe toots sideways like a slide show. I can’t recall the name now though 😕 I didn’t bite because I know I don’t have the patience for that interface 😅
@Tusky Oh, Elk is really lovely. Thanks!
While I fully agree, at some level there is no difference between mailing-lists, web forums, NNTP, Matrix, ActivityPub, ... yet bridges between these show that the UI shapes the content sufficiently that it's often cumbersome to read something with a very different UI than the majority. IOW some amount of uniformity is probably unavoidable
Haven’t been back to #Plurk for a while, does it still work sideways? Used it back when networks used to #syndicate 2010ish. Forgot about it until #TalkLiberation daze and only just checked it now. Wow. still exists. I miss #aggregation of all the socials.
JoMangee @JoMangee 18 Friends 27 Fans 95 Following Karma 0 324 Plurks 44 Responses Life 3.0+ dreamer, tech geek, making his way through life 1.5 All Plurks @JoMangee 2021-1-25 92:2L JoMangee Making a new social network.. Let's #TalkLiberation at PanQuake - Talk Liberation 2010-7-15 JoMangee I suppose I should warn ya'll: 4 days off work is a lot of #geek'n. Best be hitting mute now, I do get carried away. #noapologies 2010-6-2 @
15:32 4 Gull 3G 49 All My Private Responded Liked Replurked JoMangee Making a new social network.. Let's #TalkLiberation at PanQuake - Talk Liberation ANOUAK v 92:21 63 Plurk Howdy! Welcome back to Plurk! It appears that you haven't been around for a while. As such, we're busy filling your timeline with latest plurks. This takes a few minutes, so stay excited to see what's up! • 1 2016-11-25 LL:60 G Plurk Howdy! Welcome back to Plurk! It appears that you haven't been around for a while. As such, AA @
and #SPARQL perspectives that include hooks into voice and text via CHAT-GPT shortcuts.

wait, Plurk arranges posts horizontally? That's what I do in my app, trying to get away from the infinite scroll. I didn't know others already did it!
oh, that's interesting. Mine puts posts in a horizontal row, where each post is one screen wide and you swipe left to see the previous post.
If you can figure out what the hell is going on in Subway Tooter, it's certainly... different.
I would like to see modular apps, such that someone could plug in a different UI or other part of the app.

In my own app, a theme consists of an HTML template set, a CSS file, and an image set. A designer could create an entirely different UI, which could then be selected by a user. (The themes will have to pass security checks.)
PLURK?!?!!! Whoa, blast from the past. That was one of my favourite startup t-shirts, too - hilarious logo! 😆
YES! I’d love algorithmic support … more advanced filtering, RegEx on hastags and text…
> Who is experimenting with algorithmic sorting of the timeline?

🙋 and I’d be glad to chat about it 🙂


In re: comments earlier on the thread linked below, this thread to which I'm replying, a survey about mobile fediverse clients, is one I had in mind particularly.

Come on, people: BOOKS FOR DOGS! make it happen!
“Timeline goes sideways”

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I mainly use the Mastodon Web UI in advanced mode on my Android Tablet. It's really useful, especially 'pinned' panes displaying posts from lists (you are on my Fedis list)

The only thing I sort of miss is the 'in case you missed this' feature from Twitter because I'm not on Masto all day. This can be partially achieved using lists panes, but at the expense of screen real estate

What I don't want is 'you might like this' posts. I prefer to define my own journey of discovery
for what it's worth, i chose “none” as i have never looked at Mastodon on a ’phone...
Hey there! Hope I'm not hijacking your thread. Was going to post out to the fedi-ether to ask a question and then I saw your thread and guessed you might already know.

I'm looking for a mobile fedi app that is solely a posting app, no reading or browsing. It may not exist. I'm just hoping.