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Items tagged with: workingclass

Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.




Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #eugenedebs #socialism #IWW #union #strike #antiwar #sedition #prison #potus #motherjones #bigbillhaywood #lucyparsons

Campaign poster from his 1912 presidential campaign featuring Debs and vice presidential candidate Emil Seidel. Public Domain,

Today in Labor History September 11, 1973: The CIA helped overthrew the democratically elected government of Allende in Chile. This ended nearly 150 years of democratic rule. Also killed in the coup were folk singer Victor Jara, and American IWW journalist Frank Teruggi. Jara courageously continued singing Venceremos (We Shall Win) while he lay on the ground, hands broken by his torturers, as they slaughtered hundreds in the national stadium. 16 years of military terror followed under Pinochet’s rule. Chilean-American author Isabel Allende is a cousin of the assassinated former president, Salvador Allende. She wrote her debut novel, “House of the Spirits,” while in exile in Venezuela, after fleeing the Pinochet dictatorship.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #SalvadorAllende #pinochet #chile #dictatorship #cia #FolkMusic #VictorJara

Retreating striking miners being shot in their backs by deputized posse, September 10, 1897. By Unknown author - The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12, 1897, Public Domain,

Today in Labor History August 4, 1964: Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney were found dead in Mississippi after disappearing on June 21. They were activists with the Congress of Racial Equality promoting voting registration among African Americans. Seven Klu Klux Klan members, including Deputy Sheriff Price, were convicted.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #racism #kkk #KuKluxKlan #CivilRights #core #mississippi #murder
Missing persons poster created by the FBI in 1964, signed by the Director J. Edgar Hoover. Shows the photographs of Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. By Federal Bureau of Investigation - Federal Bureau of Investigation, Public Domain,

Content warning: Treblinka Uprising; Holocaust

Content warning: Police Brutality; Vigilantes
