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Items tagged with: skeptic

"Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars"

It's great to see someone FINALLY mention the magnetosphere issue, in the very first sentence no less, but this article rips into the idea so much more thoroughly than that, and with admirable gusto.

#skeptic #musk #mars

I think this should be taught to everyone in high school, it's so fundamental.

#AI #Psychic #Skeptic #Software

And if Biden wasn't unpopular enough, he invited a Troon to the White House to help celebrate "Lesbian Invisibility Day"

Biden's idea of a "Lesbian" is biological male and lunatic Charlotte Clymer, Transgender Activist, Military Veteran, and Board Member and Richard "Rachel" Levine Assistant Secretary for Health.

The first time ever the majority of individual present at a "Lesbian" event had penises. Way to go Joe. Just as
"Any Blue will Do" any dick will do to represent Lesbians.

#LesbiansDontHavePenises #TeamTERF #TransDelusion #OccupyWoman #GenderCritical #SexNotGender #GenderWoo #GenderAtheist #EndGenderExtremism #GenderIsntReal #Feminism #Feminist #PornCulture
#PeakTrans #TransCult #DropTheT #GenderAtheist #SexNotGender #LGBAlliance #WomenDeserveAVoice #StopGenderTotalitarianism #cults #skeptic #freespeech #WomenDontHavePenises #GetTheLOut #KeepWomensPrisonsSingleSex