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Items tagged with: project92

The #Fediverse needs to learn some serious conflict resolution...

If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms we can't continue with this behavior. Let me explain.

Two days ago someone created a "The_Donald" community of a well-known #Lemmy instance. Immediately there were cries for defederation, blocking, and suspicion about the admin letting racists run rampant on his instance.

Ultimately when the admin logged in they removed that community. But before they even had time to realize what was happening they were already being accused of stuff and if any instance heeded the call to block, it would have caused damage to the users who would have their subscriptions / follows severed.

Some users who've just arrived from Reddit and bring a fresh perspective are already wary of the shit show this can become.

That instance resisted massive blocks because it was large enough. But what if it was smaller? >>

#Mastodon #Kbin #Project92 #MastoAdmin

Content warning: synopsis Of Meta invasion and bad faith in the fedi. a novel.

oh, here's some JUICY rumored details about meta's plans for the fediverse

tl;dr "Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners."

can't entirely verify their validity but it's still worth posting just in case

#FediPact #barcelona #project92 #p92 #meta #facebook #fediverse #fediblockmeta #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #threads

You make some strong arguments here. It's great to see you laying out your reasoning in detail and with passion. theart: That's the spirit. What | have learned, however, is that Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners. Meta positions itself as a “savior’, because especially the big instances have a very strong financial pressure. Users take it for granted that someone else is paying for everything. In these contracts, Meta also specifies the rules regarding the moderation. Instances will have the option of allowing ads from Meta or not (with the benefit of additional compensation). Smaller instances will have the possibility to register for a federation with Meta in a second step, but there will be no financial compensation and Meta decides if they will grant access based on their reputation.
Regarding Meta, I'm in the industry for 25 years and have a few friends who worked at Meta from the early years until recently. One s stil there. Regarding UFol, | was part of the disussion at the time, we held a vote at P R S But don' take this at face value, obvisouly these admins have to sign harsh NDAS. But it sounded very credible and | could not imagine it going any ther way. Examples of big instances (from Japan | believe?) show that the long-term burdens are simply unbearable and operators just wait for the right moment to e 1donot critizise Meta for their attempt to use the favor of the hour to their ‘advantage. As a public corporation its theijob to make proft. As I said, its not them who will decide the fate of the Fediverse. ‘Overworked/stressed out admins, high costs for infrastructure, ongoing disputes ‘and moderation challenges are what threaten the Fediverse. It was not meant to ‘9row o fast before we find common solutions for these issues. What do you think?

Admin announcement:
As of today, this instance blocks known domains associated with Meta's #project92, in accordance with the anti-Meta Fedi Pact (
In effect, this instance does not federate with the domains or Further associated domains will be blocked, if discovered.

We are not personally against the users of Project 92, we are against Meta. We will not be giving them a chance. Their work is a threat to the Fediverse, as it has been a threat to other social spaces and open communities for years prior. They are not welcome in our homes.

#fediblock #meta #fedipact

🧵 3 of N:

Q. Doesn't federating leave us open to an "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" strategy like XMPP and FB or Google, or RSS and Google Reader? If they rugpull support won't that hurt developer momentum?"

A. Firstly, to my view a mass defederating of Meta PREMPTIVELY would show all developers that the Fediverse is not a platform that any dev can trust will be there - even before they launch service at all - and would spook and drive away more developer than any "rug pull." #project92

➡️ #Admin #Indiewebsocial

With news of the probable launch of Meta's #Project92 I wanted to make clear this servers policy:

"Don't preemptively strike meta w/ a fediblock, but stay vigilant with eyes wide open and a finger on the block button."

The same as we do for all servers.

They can be blocked instantly if they violate our terms of use, and as admins are in a far stronger position if we do so than vs before.

I hope all #fediadmins to consider taking this same policy. 1 of X 🧵

W sprawie #project92 — jeśli mainstreamowi użytkownicy wejdą w ten projekt mający „wtyczkę” do silnej i niezależnej społeczności, cóż stoi na przeszkodzie by społeczność zachęciła ich do przejścia na platformy bez reklam i śledzenia #meta przy jednoczesnej obietnicy że konsumpcja treści z tego projektu wciąż będzie dla nich możliwa?

Some fediverse instance admins: “How cool, Meta invited us to the adult table.”

Yes, they did.

Because you’re what’s for dinner.

#fediverse #mastodon #meta #Project92 #BigTech #SiliconValley #SurveillanceCapitalism

@antimeta is here monitoring now if you'd like to follow it. I've got it running manually for the moment, but I'm gonna cron the script on our server locally to run every evening at 0000 UTC to check for meta domains.

Give it a follow if you wanna.

#MetaCanGetFucked #OwnTheWires #RestoreTheFuture #project92 #Barcelona #meta #fuckmeta #metablock