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➡️ #Admin #Indiewebsocial

With news of the probable launch of Meta's #Project92 I wanted to make clear this servers policy:

"Don't preemptively strike meta w/ a fediblock, but stay vigilant with eyes wide open and a finger on the block button."

The same as we do for all servers.

They can be blocked instantly if they violate our terms of use, and as admins are in a far stronger position if we do so than vs before.

I hope all #fediadmins to consider taking this same policy. 1 of X 🧵
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
🧵 3 of N:

Q. Doesn't federating leave us open to an "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" strategy like XMPP and FB or Google, or RSS and Google Reader? If they rugpull support won't that hurt developer momentum?"

A. Firstly, to my view a mass defederating of Meta PREMPTIVELY would show all developers that the Fediverse is not a platform that any dev can trust will be there - even before they launch service at all - and would spook and drive away more developer than any "rug pull." #project92
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Except Facebook is not a developer; it is a data-mining corporation. But perhaps we'll see that they don't engage in data-mining, or enticing people into their data-mining honey traps, this time, because they've now sworn off their data-mining ways, and decided to make the Web a lovely place to visit. We've given them so much, after all; perhaps they want to give us something back…

Nah, I don't think so, either.