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Items tagged with: hypocrisy

Calling out #ReclaimTheNet for #hypocrisy. They claim to “defend free speech and individual liberty” from a Tor-hostile website that proxies through #Cloudflare (the oppressor who we need to reclaim the net *from*!)

@eff, when you ask people to take your #digitalFreedom survey which is hosted on (a service of the surveillance capitalist known as #Microsoft), do you not see the problem with this? Apart from #hypocrisy the very community willing to take your survey are the ones who will give the least relevant feedback to #EFF’s stated values.

So we are being sent to a #Cloudflare site to get coached on #privacy. #W3C only demonstrates need for being schooled on privacy themselves.

Anyone behind a #PrivacyMatters #EthicalWeb advocacy only demonstrates #hypocrisy or ignorance by simultaneously using a Cloudflare site that is configured to block the Tor community.

You get bonus hypocrisy points for telling privacy proponents to “get involved” by using MS #github.

@tag @jyasskin

It’s a bit rich for #theregister to write about #privacy & then publish the article from a Cloudflared website that blocks Tor users.

@theregister, please fix this #hypocrisy.

Did a web search on GDPR lawyers in a given city. Only one apparently relevant result led to a law office specializing in #GDPR. And that website was a tor-blocking #Cloudflare site.

Then I searched for a #humanRights lawyer.

1st hit: tor-hostile website

2nd hit: tor-reachable website but lawyer’s email address resolves to #Google.

I’m not joking… can’t make this stuff up. Society is drowning in #hypocrisy but no one sees it because most people don’t know how to look for it.

Perhaps we need tools to make it easy for normies to be more informed. Tools exist but they are for advanced users.

What could be more embarrassing than being in charge of publishing the #OpenDataHandbook (which teaches people how to support open acess) & then jailing it in an access-restricted #walledGarden? Could the #hypocrisy be richer than this?
screenshot showing a block page when trying to access the open data handbook

To the 'radical' #socialist lefties ranting about fascism & talking about 'doing the work required' but refuse to #ALTtext their images, despite private polite asks...
All I see is you unwilling to do the ACTUAL work of inclusivity to fight #fascism.

Fascists eradicate #disabled first, and your ignoring disabled & unwillingness to do the labor of #inclusivity by simple ALT text makes your posts look like #hypocrisy to me.

Yes, it takes some effort. This is the work.

How can you call yourself “@PrivacyDigest” if you’re going to put your account in the privacy-abusing walled-garden of #Cloudflare? #hypocrisy

#Soapbox is a #Cloudflare site that asks for money “to support our mission to make decentralized social media the new standard and protect users from the abuses of Big Tech.” Yikes. Cloudflare sites are the opposite of decentralized & they surreptitiously feed you (& your private DMs) to “Big Tech”. Thus is not “sexy”. #hypocrisy