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Items tagged with: Midjourney

Can somebody please get an AI image generator to generate a fox with a human face or head for me?

The other way around is really easy and does not count.

#AI #StableDiffusion #DALLE #Midjourney

I asked MidJourney for "John Mastodon creating a social media network in his basement, 1995, found photo"

bearded white guy with 19 fingers looking at a bigfoot .BMP on his CRT

“scene from the 1979 post-apocalyptic film Teletubbies Mad Max, 35mm Eastmancolor” #midjourney #AIArt
An armoured teletubby holding a rifle, standing next to three smaller teletubbies in a car in a desert landscape Two armoured teletubbies and an anthropomorphic mammal with blue eyes wearing a dress in a desrt landscape
An armoured teletubby in front of a custom-built car with a smokestack in a desert landscape An armoured teletubby with a rifle standing next to a pink anthropomorphic rabbit and a  yellow car shaped like a teletubby

Managed to convince #midjourney to create some #hackerspace #illustration s!

CC-BY-NC 4.0 Midjourney

I love the warmth, colors, the welcoming feel, the magical atmosphere. Exactly what I wanted to convet with Glider!

Prompt: hackerspace, hackers, programmers, computers, LEDs, warm light, by Miyazaki, Nausicaa Ghibli
