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Items tagged with: Dreams

Entered a lucid dream from a non-lucid dream

Had an interesting lucid dream tonight.
I dreamt (normal dream) that I got help from someone who could help me lucid dream. I fell asleep in this person's presence (in the dream) and entered a new dream. When I entered the new dream I was lucid. When the lucid dream ended I woke back up in the previous dream and was again non-lucid.

Another interesting thing was that when I lucid dreamt I was levitating but lost control over it and was about to get hurt. My subconscious mind changed the dream so I didn't get hurt.

Thank you dear subconscious mind ❤️

#lucid #dream #dreaming #dreams

@Lucid Dreaming Community

If a dream can seem as real as the real world, how can you know that "the real world" isn't a dream?

#dreams #reality

Had a #dream last night where I shaved my beard off. Should I? #dreams

  • Yes (50%, 4 votes)
  • No (50%, 4 votes)
8 voters. Poll end: 2 years ago

I'm curious:

Are there any lucid dreamers around in Diaspora? Give a shout out. I want to pick your brains if you don't mind :)

#Dreams #LucidDreams #LucidDreaming #Dreaming #DreamWorld #DreamRealm #AstralProjection #AstralRealm