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If a dream can seem as real as the real world, how can you know that "the real world" isn't a dream?

#dreams #reality

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Haha I've thought about this! 🧐 For all we know, what we think is our real world might actually be the dream world and our dreams might be the real world 🤯
@Emilie Nicole
Wow that's deep 🤯
Could be the case. If our minds create this world, what is in our minds must actually be more real than "the real world" 🤔 because then the real world is created as a bi product as what was in the mind 🫣 so if dreams are happening in the mind then it must be more real 😃 but maybe they aren't even happening in the mind but in another reality 😃
That makes so much sense with manifestation if you think about it 🤯 hahaha what even is reality?! 😂 Maybe we're just simultaneously living in multiple different realities but our conscious awareness can only focus on one at a time 🧐. Maybe that's the real meaning of us being multidimensional beings 👀
AND WHAT IF.... that's the reason higher entities like angels can help so many people all around the world, is because of their multidimensionality and mastering being able to focus their conscious awareness in multiple places all at the same time 🤯 and maybe our dreams and waking state are just us being in spiritual development of being able to do the same thing 🤯

I think we're on to something here
@Emilie Nicole
Interesting 🤯 i have actually read somewhere that if you get to a certain level of high consciousness, then it mentioned different capabilities such as instant manifestations and being able to be conscious in two places at the same time 🤯
Woah 🤯 I think we need to investigate this further! Would that make lucid dreams a high state of consciousness then?? Since we can instantly manifest in our lucid dreams? :eyes_opposite:
Hm good question. Could be 🤔 or maybe we can manifest instantly because our conscious criticism is closed down during sleep? Which means anything is possible because the subconscious mind has no "this is not possible" filter.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
That actually makes a lot of sense! I remember reading online of people having experiences when they were children about being about to levitate and do other things, and then when they told an adult and were invalidated and told it wasn't possible, they lost the ability. Who knows if those stories are true or not but I'm not closed off to it being a possibility 🧐 especially when there's accounts of individuals in religion, like Jesus who could walk on water, heal the sick and the blind, calm storms, etc . Once we're told we can't do something and develop doubt, imagine all the different things we close ourselves off from. Kinda crazy to think about, all the human potential we're missing out on!
Yeah indeed. Doubt kills the abilities. About levitation my sister told me that she has levitated when she was a child. Not something she controlled. It was during the night so we can never know if she was actually dreaming or awake, I would say.
But i can tell you have an experience myself during my manifestation practice. One day I tried to change the weather as an experiment. I wanted to change the weather from rain to sunshine so what I did was that I kept saying affirmations and just stay in the rain and act like it wasnt there. In the beginning I felt doubt saying the affirmations but at some point like after 5-10 minutes of saying I could feel the doubt leaving the my mind and body - and seriously in the exact same millisecond as this happened, the rain stopped and the weather changed.