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I'm curious:

Are there any lucid dreamers around in Diaspora? Give a shout out. I want to pick your brains if you don't mind :)

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I had an incredibly vivid dream once that the Astral Realm was a complete crock-of-shit. part is when you wake up and start acting normal but reality doesn't do the same.. in fact you are inside another dream :oD
I have lucid dreams every so often.
I sometimes have them, but they usually feel rather short (or I don't really remember), and I haven't trained that and can't do it on purpose.
If they are lucid, how can you not remember them? (i.e. How do you know they were lucid if you don’t remember them?) Is it that you wake up knowing you were lucid dreaming, but can’t remember what you experienced?
I did remember them better right after waking up, but the memory later faded and now I can't tell you about concrete dreams anymore. And in hindsight, I also don't know how long they felt. Maybe the biggest part of the dreams where non-lucid and they only became lucid shortly before I woke up? I really don't know.
At the moment, I just remember that there have been several of these moments in dreams when I thought, "ah right, I'm just dreaming, so I can just ignore this problem" or something like that.
I've never done an REM study or sleep study so have no idea. I still dream A LOT but not lucidly. I think part of it is sleep quality. When I was younger, I slept harder so if I became aware that I was dreaming I could remain in the dream. Now at 63, I tend to sleep much more lightly and becoming aware of a dream usually results in waking.
@KAOS Aah yes, I know what you mean. I have even dreamed that I was aware that I was dreaming, but I really wasn't. I was just dreaming I was, but the awareness was also part of the auto-pilot aspect of the dream. Funny how awareness works in dreams. For me becoming truly aware that I am dreaming, as in 'waking-life' awareness, seems almost impossible. That's why it fascinates me that there are people who can do it. I wouldn't believe it possible if it wasn't already empirically shown to be the case.
@Nanook It must have to do with sleep quality, you are right. I have always slept very little, 6 hours on average. I guess that does not help to become aware in dreams, although my dreams are always quite vivid and feel very much real.
What I meant by REM and deep sleep are the stages of sleep. During deep sleep we just...well... sleep. It's only during the rapid-eye movement stage (REM) that we actually dream.
@HernanLG That we only dream during REM has recently been disproven though our dreams are much more vivid in that phase.
Yes, but... I'm pretty sure I was really aware I was dreaming, at least for a moment, and partly also actively reshaping my dream - but not too much, it didn't always work, and then I would soon wake up.
And I know that I could not do that 10 + years ago. Never happened. This is only a development of the last 3 or 4 years for me. But... thinking about it, this might have changed because I'm a mom and have lighter sleep since my son was born 4 years ago. Some part of my brain is always alert and ready to wake up. Even now that he's not a toddler anymore, I wake up right away when he shouts "Mama!" at night. With less than 1 second from him calling to me getting out of bed.
And I guess it was this change in my brain that made lucid dreams (or at least the light version of them) possible.
Btw, my husband does not have lucid dreams, from what I know. He claims to dream very little. ;) He also didn't develop this skill of "keeping an ear awake" for the child, but takes a bit longer than me to wake up when he's alone with our son. On the other hand, he falls asleep much easier and faster than me, but can also get up easily.
@KAOS oooh ok, if you got to the stage of reshaping, then that's clearly some advanced lucid-dreaming stuff. Even if it lasts only a short time, you have one foot on the pond already. That's so cool. And interesting how waking up seems almost the "punishment" your brain applies when you become aware. Like: "Hey! You're not supposed to become aware! You broke the rule of dreaming! Dream cancelled. Awake now!". I wonder why that is, since I've heard it from other people too.
And yes, I know exactly what you mean about motherhood. I always had a strange mix of deep sleep, easiness to fall asleep, but also I am able to wake up quite easily when, for example, my daughter calls me at night. That hasn't affected my dreams though. I can even dream when I am tired and just close my eyes for a few seconds. Dreaming comes very naturally to me, just to he conscious part =/

@Nanook Could you point me to the source of dreaming while in deep sleep? I've never read about that. Thanks!
@HernanLG@KAOS No I'm sorry I can't. I do not remember where I read about it.