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Items tagged with: Cycling

Joy and Rage on Two Wheels: A Q&A With DC’s Bike Booster
WABA’s Elizabeth Kiker on bike lanes and other issues.

"E-bikes are magical. The people we’re trying to reach, the [ages] eight to 80, the kids, the elderly, the women, the people who may not be in the best shape of their lives, e-bikes transform lives."

#cycling #ebike

This is how the #EuroVelo network looks like in 2023 🚲⁠

Go far away or simply discover your region: the choice is yours!

This summer, pick your favourite route and explore our continent using cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of transport.

Gears ready? Get a #map with information and tips about the 17 EuroVelo routes


#EUGreenDeal #Cycling
Map of Europe where you can see the 17 routes of the EuroVelo network marked in different colours and numbers.

To get people out of cars, it's absolutely to get the elderly on bicycles. I'm not talking about people in their 90s; but getting the 50-to-80s cadre cycling will change society. It will end forever the image of the cyclist as an arrogant young man, and make cycling obviously what it is: functional, sensible, the most essential way to save our climate, and to save our health #Cycling #Age #OvertonWindow
Middle-aged woman on bicycle with her shopping and flowers

I learned a surprisingly amount from this page about forces involved in bicycles, from the ride to their construction. Starting from scratch and peppered with interactive animations, it's a treasure that keeps on giving.
(via @Deuf le Magnifique )
#Biking #Bicycle #Cycle #Cycling #Physics #Vulgarisation

Hi Mastodon! I’m a brand new #PeerTube instance dedicated to #urbanism. I don't have much content right now; you can help! Let’s share videos to build more walkable, livable places.

#Cycling #Walking #PublicTransport #TrafficViolence #BanCars #ActiveTransport #BikeTooter

Cycling is bad for the economy
(ht Eileen Kiffin)
CYCLING IS BAD FOR THE ECONOMY Hilarious but true too A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy -

He does not buy the car & does not take a car loan - Does not buy car insurance - Does not buy Fuel - Does not send his car for servicing & repairs -

Does not use paid Parking - Does not become Obese Yes,.....and well, damn it I! Healthy people are not needed for economy. They do not buy drugs. They do not go to Hospitals & Doctors. They add nothing to country's GDP. On the contrary, every new fast food outlet creates at least 30 jobs - 10 Cardiologists, 10 Dentists, 10 weight loss experts apart from people working in the outlet. Choose wisely: A Cyclistora KFC ? Worth thinking about!!

PS: Walking is even worse. They do not even buy a bicycle!!

Help! #Cycling is over for now!

I have to go shovel...
A snowy scene, everything is covered in white, and it's presently snowing.

It's time for another Fiets Podcast! This time, experiencing the good and bad of cycling in Rotterdam, mechanical woes for my bike, and a rant about glacial local progress on planned cycling schemes!

Get it here, and in all the usual podcast places!

#podcast #cycling #DutchCycling #Warwickshire #Nuneaton #Bedworth

Fellow Tooters,

I"m Jake, based in Southern #California, US. I’ve been on Mastodon since April/May 2022.

Background in #EnvironmentalEngineering and follow #ClimateChange, #WalkableCities, #RenewableEnergy, #EBikes.

Work in #Data, and use #Python, #SQL, #Git.

Recently built a #Discord bot that tracks #Wordle scores with a #RaspberryPi. I play #Fortnite.

Outside, I like #hiking, #cycling, #gym, #RoadTrips.

#Music faves: #AltRock, #EDM, #HipHop.

Thanks for reading my #introduction!

i'm a mid-30s woman (she/they) in #raleigh. i run a small instance for #TheTriangle of #NorthCarolina called by day, i'm a #WordPress developer.

here are some other things i like: #cycling #DogTraining #RVing #camping #yoga #dogs #crochet

self-proclaimed emoji enthusiast. 🤩

i somewhat-regularly post photos and long-form stuff on my blog, too:

#intro #introduction #introductions

Content warning: 🍍 hiya :flan_wave:​

Content warning: I don't think I ever did one of these and there's 🍍 all these new people 🍍 so: #introductions

Here are some of my favorite shots from my rides over the past few days. The rides mostly covered familiar territory, but it was nice seeing the colors of Spring emerging again! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) #cycling #bicycle #Seattle #photography #photog #photo @bicycling @mastobikes
East Green Lake East Green Lake Montlake Bridge and Cut Interlaken Park University of Washington Quad
At East Green Lake Galene E Interlaken Boulevard At Interlaken Park

I like both #LEGO bricks and #cycling, but this is just ridiculous. Having wide enough safe bike lanes in real life is a must for a variety of reasons. Just having bike lanes in official LEGO sets is great and enough.

But having wide enough bike lanes for plastic figure who can’t bend their knees is utterly futile. LEGO isn’t about realistic proportions anyway, so if it ever makes it to an official product, it will look off just compared to roads for example.

I wouldn’t have minded the initiative if the LEGO Ideas project page was linking to a real cycling safety initiative. After all the creator is a city councilperson. But it currently doesn’t, so it looks like it’s about making LEGO bike lanes wider for the sake of it, and I’m having none of it.