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Cycling is bad for the economy
(ht Eileen Kiffin)
CYCLING IS BAD FOR THE ECONOMY Hilarious but true too A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy -

He does not buy the car & does not take a car loan - Does not buy car insurance - Does not buy Fuel - Does not send his car for servicing & repairs -

Does not use paid Parking - Does not become Obese Yes,.....and well, damn it I! Healthy people are not needed for economy. They do not buy drugs. They do not go to Hospitals & Doctors. They add nothing to country's GDP. On the contrary, every new fast food outlet creates at least 30 jobs - 10 Cardiologists, 10 Dentists, 10 weight loss experts apart from people working in the outlet. Choose wisely: A Cyclistora KFC ? Worth thinking about!!

PS: Walking is even worse. They do not even buy a bicycle!!