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Items tagged with: Argentina

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine

Hello @Friendica Support
I'm writing to you from #Colombia, #SouthAmerica. My account is hosted on a server in #Argentina. I'd like to know how, either from #Fedilab on #Android or from a browser on #Windows10, I could follow several tags simultaneously, without having to add them one by one.
I'd also like to know how to use #Friendica as my "main network", so that when I post on #Friendica, the post is also done automatically on #Mastodon and #Diaspora*.
Thank you very much.