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Items tagged with: AIAct

That is, it can be expected that companies will circumvent the limitations of #AIAct by, for example, calling open-source AI such where the code is open but the training data is closed.

Open source #AI has been a key issue in policy debates, and #AIAct includes provisions that regulate development and sharing of #opensource AI development.
We've been following the proposed rules as they meandered through several different approaches. Now elements of the final version have been made public.

The big question was whether transparency and other obligations need to be mandated for open source AI, or they can be self-regulated – under the assumption that open source developers ensure these elements based on principles of open development.

The agreed upon wording of the AI Act assumes the later, and makes open source exempt from regulation of general purpose AI models, including transparency obligations.

We think that this is a problem, especially that lack of agreed standards that define open source AI means that there is an risk of open washing.

You can read more about this on our blog: Paul Keller wrote a detailed analysis of the provisions:

W jednym miejscu zebrane reakcje europejskich organizacji społecznych na informacje o przyjęciu #AIAct:

Koniec negocjacji ws #AIAct. Treść rozporządzenia poznamy w ciągu kilku tygodni. Na razie Komentujemy to, co wiemy z przecieków i oficjalnych komunikatów.
TL;DR: szkoda części dobrych rozwiązań wypracowanych przez #ParlamentEuropejski, a zgubionych w negocjacjach, ale mogłoby być gorzej (wciąż pamiętamy wrażenie szoku po lekturze oryginalnego projektu Komisji Europejskiej z kwietnia 2021 r).

Dużo się dzieje w tematach związanych z ochroną prywatności. W tym tygodniu #TSUE wydał kilka istotnych orzeczeń związanych z ochroną danych osobowych, #EDPB opublikowała w końcu decyzję dotyczącą META, a dziś wszyscy rozpisują się o porozumieniu w UE w sprawie #AIAct. Do tego czekamy na wybór nowego prezesa #UODO. Ruszyliśmy z @icd z nowymi podcastami #ICDweekend. Mam nadzieję, że uda nam się za tydzień opublikować kolejny odcinek, w którym nie zabraknie odniesienia do ww. kwestii. #staytuned

1/7 đź“ŚAt next week's #AIAct negotiations, EU lawmakers are set to discuss the rules for AI use by police and migration authorities.

We're concerned about how risky AI systems will affect the #FundamentalRights of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other people on the move.

Illustration with children playing and people walking while being surveilled by cameras and drones.

Morgen Abend veranstalten wir nach längerer Pause wieder ein OpenChaos. @snoopy berichtet morgen Abend über die aktuellen Gesetzgebungsprojekte der Europäischen Union mit netzpolitischem Bezug.

Das OpenChaos beginnt morgen, Donnerstag, am 12. Oktober in unseren Räumlichkeiten in der Heliosstraße.

Beginn ist um 20:00 Uhr.

#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #eu #edri #aiact #ehds #ccc #c4

1/8 🚨 This week, EU lawmakers met to discuss the #AIAct.

Up for discussion: how will AI systems be classified as high-risk? And how will these risky systems be used?

So far, we still remain concerned about how these risky AI systems will affect our #FundamentalRights ...

Today, the European Parliament's IMCO and LIBE committees adopted their joint report on the proposed #AIAct. In this post, we take a closer look at the report to understand the implications of the text for #opensource AI development

In their vote on the #AIAct today, the @europarl_en responsible committees voted by a large majority to protect #FreeSoftware.

The plenary is called upon to uphold the idea. Likewise, this principle must be anchored in #CRA and #pld


Content warning: Wolność, równość, inwigilacja! - Francja legalizuje monitoring wykorzystujący sztuczną inteligencję

The #AIAct is now moving to the secretive trilogue negotiations which tends to benefit well-funded lobbyists 🕵️‍♂️

Let’s not permit Big Tech to kill the AI act in the dark.

📢 Sign the petition for more trilogue transparency link

🤝 The report documents more than a 1000 meetings between interest groups and member of the @EUparliament on the #AIAct

56% of those meetings were with industry while only 13% were with civil society.

The report shows Big Tech has used all the lobbying tricks in the book to water down the #AIAct.

🕴️ Used shady groups to lobby on its behalf
đź’µ Funded academics and think tanks
đź‘Ą Pushed its agenda through a crucial expert group
🇺🇸 Mobilized the US government to lobby the EU
