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People grumbling that #Mastodon is slow at the moment... You just turned up with 1 million people in a tiny, rural village and you're complaining there's a queue to get into the only tearoom, which is run by gay pensioners Babs & Maureen as a retirement hobby on Mons-Weds. Relax!
To my new followers: You will experience delays as both a new signup (email delays) & an existing user (slow service; inability to load images, etc). It will settle down. Patience will be required. Remember, Mastodon is run by volunteers. It's not corporate & is still in the process of upscaling.
Unfortunately people seem to converge to just a few instances, kind of defeating the purpose of federated nature.
Mastodon is different. It's polite and friendly. There's a different code of conduct (please look up some of the basics), a slower pace. It's not a sprawling, hectic shopping centre in a grim industrial park on the city rim; it's a pleasant village street with artisanal shops and cafes. Take your time. Be nice.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
It is not simple to even check since fediverse don't have a backfill functionality. I pulled the thread top and I do not get the responses, I don't even see them. That I have successfully deducted, however it underlines the horribly inconsistent views users get sitting on various instances which result in confusing user experience. And some regulars here wanted me to interpret it as a good thing which helps, I don't know, heterogenity(sp?)?
Definitely don't help flawless communication. 😔
Well, I started networking in 1992. Many of us have seen a lot of "bright ideas" coming and going.
And even back then (on FidoNet) we had consistent view on nodes, which is, as I mentioned, the base of communication. Many people seem to mix up commercialisation, centralisation and concistency. For the sake of argument (since it has its own problems) there is Matrix which is decentralised yet consistent.
There are various interfaces (web, mobile; though it's sad that client2server API isn't in use [so I've been told] so there are no real alternative web clients), and there are thematic instances with great local community, and that is a good thing.
However this is a "subscribe-only" service: you only see messages you pull, or some local people pull for you, and nothing more, so the communities live in their own little bubble with very few connections to outside. There are no common groups, there are no "public stream", not even "following themes or hashtags globally". No trends, no stats.
And I've seen over there how helpful global trends can be to notice global things fast. I miss that here.
In theory this could work by using relays, sending public streams to other smaller instances. In reality it absolutely does not work: large instances guard their public streams (I was even called rude by suggesting to pull theirs into a relay!) and most public relays only relay extremely small intances (or content nobody really want).
Also I am not sure that mastodon would be able to handle the stream of a huge instance, but I cannot even try.
Also it would be possible to automagically pull the rest of the threads but nobody seemed to care to implement it.
Maybe it isn't well advertised, if that is the intention.
You can bet on that those who want to invade people's privacy will not announce it network-wide.