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So, after 15+ years of being the sole creator (script-writer, host, interviewer, filmer, video editor, social media promoter, fan/hatemail reader, livestreamer, sponsor-outreach-er, etc etc etc) behind the entirety of my #feminist #freeTheNipple and other-#progressive-issues focused #activism channel #toplessTopics, I've decided this year I'm going to do whatever it takes to start hiring help--namely a #videoEditor to start with, to take the rambly bits and "ums" out of my vlogs, nothing fancy.
I also would love to hire (in order of need)
- a #webdev to install an e-commerce site that allows people to purchase tokens to then exchange for digital files (lots of red tape thanks to #ThePatriarchy , I can explain later)
- the same or another web dev to change the existing #wordpress theme on my website with something cleaner and more video-focused
- a #socialMediaManager to handle promotional posts and handle emails (nothing like sorting through a parade of garbage to lift one's spirits and make one feel that much more determined to make bigger, better content!)
- a #contentManager ? #talentManager? Whatever you call someone who actually knows wtf they're doing so they can help me figure out how to approach potential sponsors who won't outright refuse to work with a "sex worker" (I'm not, but that's how I get categorized) who gets banned constantly on mainstream platforms
I've been trying off and on for several months now to figure out how to find/hire #freelancers in these categories (#videoEditor experienced with simple #vlogs, #webdev experienced with #wordpress and #ecommerce, #socialMediaManager, and #talentManager or w/e they're called), but the most I can figure out how to do is just post to those generic online "job boards," which has only ever gotten me flooded with barely-readable copypasta with no proof of past work.
The whole thing is so frustrating and disheartening that I just keep giving up. But I know that what would help me immensely both from a #contentCreator and #mentalHealth perspective would be finding some way to hire outside help. I just need to figure out where, and how (and how much).
So I'm asking the fediverse, what are the best resources for finding #freelancers to hire? How do you make sure someone is actually good at what they claim to be? Where do you find people in the middle-ground of "not completely clueless" and "charging corporate prices for the simplest of jobs"??

I keep hearing "word of mouth," but I only know a very small number of #contentCreators, and none of them are large enough to have any kind of team.