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Items tagged with: inktober

"Hubble bubble, toil and trouble, every minute kitten double." - Credit for the spell to @cunobaros!

This one was fun to work on! The prompt was "covens and cats" from the scary and sweet prompt list. I did "black cat coven" last year, so wanted to make sure this one felt quite different. I had the idea quickly, and liked it a lot!

#inktober #inktober2023 #MastoArt #scaryandsweet #blackcats

There is a cauldron, with a bubbling potion and a foggy mist rolling out of it. There are many black cats poking out of the mist, with one starting intently into the cauldron, with its paws up.

I keep drawing and falling further and further behind with the scanning and posting. Sketchdump incoming to make up some of the distance.

So, this was day 21 of #catober - wanting to draw a lot without thinking about it I decided to just work my way through this set of "cougar" reference images, sketching every single image. There are 500 photos in the set, we'll see how far I'll get.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

Six quick structural studies of cougars, done in black fountain pen and numbered from 21 to 26. Dated in the upper left corner, and besides the date is a note to self saying "simple forms! NO FACES! NO TOES!" Alas I could not stick to that exhortation, as one of the photos that came up was a close up of a cougar head. Six quick structural studies of cougars, done in black fountain pen and numbered from 9 to 14, plus a sketch of an isolated paw numbered 15. Dated in the upper left corner, and besides the date is a note to self saying "simplified structure only!"
Five quick structural studies of cougars, done in black fountain pen and numbered from 16 to 20. Dated in the upper left corner, and besides the date is a note to self saying "simple structure only! remember Draw A Box!" Three studies of cougars numbered 6 to 8.

#catober day 18 back to my favorites for some simple sphynx cat fun from reference

#MastoArt #ink #inktober #cats

three drawings of hairless sphynx cats sitting and standing, done in black fountain pen, with various degrees of hatching, from none to rather detailed stipling

#catober day 17 was another frazzled email writing & preparing for guests kinda day, so just some random sketches of cats from ref

#MastoArt #inktober #cats #caturday

four sketches of standing and crouching cats done in black fountain pen. one of them, of a standing cat, in the upper left corner of the sheet, has a rough approximation of its skeleton inscribed

#catober day 15, one page of knowledge gap mapping, one page of notes on the lesson on spine and ribcage of felines from Joe Weatherly's Animal Anatomy class, a page of studies on the same topic from Gotttfried Bammes, and lastly a page of tigers from ref with ribcages inscribed.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats #anatomy #ballpoint

five sketches of cats in various poses, drawn from imagination in blue ballpoint pen two rows of studies of ribcages, the first row that of a dog, first seen from the front, then 3/4 view, then in profile as attached to the spine. Second row the same sequence only with the ribcage of a cat. These were done after books by Gottfried Bammes.
a study of the spine, skull, ribcage and pelvis of a feline in profile, done following along with Joe Weatherly's class, plus a smaller callout of a ribcage in 3/4 view and separate view of a pelvis from the back, all done in dark red gel pen three drawings of tigers done in red ballpoint, with their spines, skulls and ribcages inscribed in blue ballpoint.

this was #catober day 14, two pages of mapping knowledge gaps from imagination, one page of anatomy studies, one page of drawing from ref. Not done in that order, but I don't remember the actual order anymore.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

three construction studies of cats done from memory/imagination, in blue ballpoint pen seven construction studies of cats done from memory/imagination, in green ballpoint pen, the two first ones much larger than the last five
three anatomy studies of cats done in green ballpoint pen three construction studies of cougars done from reference, in green ballpoint pen

#catober day 13, again did the drawing but not the scanning, only direct drawings from photos of cougars this time.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats #ballpoint

a page with four constructive studies of walking, standing climbing cougars in green ballpoint pen, some of them overlapping each other to fit more on the page
a page with two drawings of a walking and climbing cougar in green ballpoint pen

#catober day 12 I was drawing but away from my scanner, so here it goes: one page of knowledge gap mapping from memory/imagination, and one anatomy study of hind legs after Gottfried Bammes.

#inktober #cats

5 construction sketches of cats in various poses from imagination, done in black ballpoint
an anatomy study of feline hind legs, seen from behind, with the left leg showing the muscles in red ballpoint pen, and the right leg showing the naked bones in black ballpoint pen

#catober day 11. Had two days that were emotionally exhausting, so no energy for the more demanding pages of knowledge gap mapping or anatomy studies and such. But the simple draw draw draw from ref always works and goes a long way to soothe me.

Halfway through I got annoyed with how small the A4 paper is and how little fits on it and decided to just pack the pages more by using different colored ballpoints. I enjoyed the creepy red pupil-less effect on that one cat 🙃

#MastoArt #inktober

a page with four constructive studies of cats sitting, standing and crouching, in black ballpoint a page with three constructive studies of cats sitting, standing and climbing on a chair, in black and red ballpoint. The sitting cat study is in red, bigger than the others, and I did not fill in her pupils, so she looks pretty creepy.
a page with two constructive studies of cats sitting in black ballpoint a page with four constructive studies of cats standing, standing up on only hindlegs and crouching, in black and red ballpoint, with the black studies overlapping the red ones.

this was the rest of #catober day 10 😀 Ballpoint is fun for doing constructive studies when I don't want to use pencil/graphite, but it scans pretty badly. Alas.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

a page with three constructive studies of walking and standing cats in black ballpoint, with the one in the upper left corner partially redrawn in black fountain pen a page with again three constructive studies of standing and walking cats in black ballpoint, with the one in the upper left corner partially redrawn in black fountain pen
a page with four constructive studies of walking and standing cats in black ballpoint

#catober day 10 I just got started, but not sure I will get around to doing much more today, so here goes this morning's sole page of knowledge gap mapping.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

5 construction sketches of cats from imagination, done in black ballpoint and felt tip pen

#catober day 8 (7? not sure how to count now that I skipped a day of drawing but not posting 🙃 ). Again with the sequence of knowledge gap mapping, then study page (in this case after some of the teaser pages of The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Cats which can be found here ), then drawing from ref.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

5 rough sketches of cats drawn from imagination, 3 of them sitting, one walking, and one barely defined at all. some written commentary as well - one of them turned out looking a bit like a dog. four drawings of cats washing themselves in various poses, done in black ink
four studies of cat construction drawings  by Joe Weatherly in black ink

Took a break from drawing today in favor of doing annoying things like emails and looking at my bank account (need to calculate in both prep time & recovery for that one lol), but! This is the stuff from yesterday's evening #catober session. So technically still day 6. The tiger construction was me following along with Joe Weatherly's animal anatomy class, the other one just drawing from ref.

#MastoArt #inktober #cats

A constructive drawing in red and blue colored pencil of a tiger seen in 3/4 view from the side and slightly behind, with the blue used to sketch in some basic parts of the skeleton. Some text notes in pencil on the bottom and the right of the tiger.
Four drawings of cats sitting on their hind legs in black ink.

rest of #catober day 5 yesterday was mostly just relaxed drawing sitting cats from reference. fun.

#inktober #MastoArt #cats

a page with four sketches of different cats sitting on their hind legs, done in black felt tip pen a page with four sketches of different cats sitting on their hind legs, done in black fountain pen
a page with three sketches of cats sitting on their hind legs, done in black felt tip pen and brush pen

#catober day 5, and I am trying this thing of scanning & posting in the middle of the day, after only one shift of drawing is done, with another one still coming up. Feels weird to post before I am "done" with the day, but I hate having the scanning & posting as the last thing I do when I am already sleepy. Would much rather sketch my way to sleep.

#inktober #MastoArt #cats

a page of attempts (lol) at drawing cats from memory or imagination, done in black fountain pen, containing seven sketches overall a page with 3 drawings of cats done in black fountain pen from reference
four sketches of cats done in brown ink, drawn half from imagination half from reference by taking yesterday's skeleton studies and trying to rebuild the whole cats on top of them a page with 3 drawings of cats done in black fountain pen and brush pen from reference

This was #catober day 2 yesterday. Not enough time to do real study, but at least did get the lack-of-knowledge mapping and some cougars from ref in.

#inktober #ink #art #MastoArt #cats

a horizontal A3 page with a sketch of a cat skeleton in the upper left corner, and the rest filled with five more cat sketches, all done in black ink, very scraggly from imagination
four sketches of a cougar from reference, done in black ink brush

And here is today's starting attempt at drawing cats from imagination. I swear I could do them better half a year ago, but this is where I was today, mapping out the gaps in my cat knowledge.

And then some skeleton studies to start to fill in those gaps...

#catober #inktober

a horizontal A3 page filled with six rough sketches of cats from imagination, done in black ink
a horizontal A3 page with some notes about cat anatomy in the upper left corner, and the rest filled with three drawings of cat skeletons in black ink

So my #inktober will be a #catober, with the goal of doing a deep dive into cat anatomy and construction, and bridging the gap between my #cat drawings from ref or direct observation and those from imagination.

Here where I was yesterday drawing from ref, feeling rusty because my summer was many things but focused on drawing it wasn't.

Also, sphynx cats are just the coolest.

#art #drawing #ink

a drawing in brown ink of a hairless cat curled up and sleeping

Pour ce dessin je voulais avant tout dessiner un ciel plein d’étoiles et de planètes, avec quelque chose qui voyagerait au milieu. Je partais pour un quelconque animal marin mais il est vite devenu évident que ça ne pouvait être qu’elle, sinon personne…

#Inktober #Inktober2023 #celestial #FanArt #pratchett #discworld

Dessin sur un carnet lui-même posé sur une flopée de romans de Terry Pratchett. 
Le dessin représente une tortue marine géante « nageant » dans l’espace parmi les étoiles, planètes et galaxies. Sur le dos de la tortue se tiennent des éléphants portant un disque.
En haut est inscrit : «  Inktober 2023 day 23 : « Celestial » »

4in1tober 05-08 - Part 02 - Golden/Doré

Featuring: Beatrice (Umineko)

#inktober #inktober2023 #doodle #art #beatrice #umineko #mastoart


Here's my first pixel art sketch for October! Sorry for the delay!

💔 🌳 🗡️

#Inktober #drawtober #Art #MastoArt #PixelArt
6 women in white dresses, 3 on each side of a large tree devoid of all leaves save for one on it's right side. The trees roots stretch below the earth...

#inktober #blender

Day 25 - Tempting

You are minding your own business, and then these bad boys show up in the table, what do?

It was very nostalgic to do donuts again, and also trying to remember how they were supposed to be made in the first place.

#Blender3d #digitalart #Takenori #2022


Day 14 prompt: #empty

What could be emptier than a black hole?

#inktober #inktober2022 #art #pixelart #fediart #mastoart #space


#inktober #blender
Day 21 - Bad Dog

Nobody is gonna call him a good boy. If you like your limbs do not pet him!

#Blender3d #digitalart



not exactly the prompt's theme, more like a derivative.

#bluff #card #kingofclubs #cat #catober #inktober #eInktober #inktober2022 #art #drawing #sketchBook #doodle #eink #supernoteA5X #supernote



#inktober #2022 #ink #caturday #eInk #crab #cat

#inktober ✒️🖤
12 Forget

Today a bit (too) experimental. I hope you like it anyway.

#art #mastoart #traditionalart


#inktober #blender
Day 12 - Forget

I...forgot what this prompt was about... i'm gonna go sleep.

