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Items tagged with: RMS

Content warning: A Prayer to GNU

A chart showing the signature count as a graph comparing the #rms open support letter vs the anti-stallman letter... yay the letter in support of stallman is not just winning, but it seems to be growing in support where the other letter has lost steam and stopped growing.

The link below includes the script used to generate the chart

Where is my medal?

This is what you get when politely you try to find common grounds to stop this coup attempt to FSF

In response to the open letter calling for the removal of #RMS a new open letter calling for the #FSF to approach the situation like adults rather than just complying to an angry mob was formed. #RichardStallman #Uninstallman

Sunday, I was happy to give a talk at the FSF #LibrePlanet, wearing the Tshirt I designed for them (photo). But later that day, Richard Stallman announced his return to the FSF's Board of Directors. In this situation, I'll no longer invest my energy for them... 😿
#fsf #rms
