Items tagged with: ESA
'Alien' signal decoded
Image: 'Alien' signal decoded
#human #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Copernicus-Satellit liefert erste Fotos
Weltraumschrott: Gefährliche Geschosse im Orbit
Weltraumschrott - Gefährliche Geschosse im Orbit
Mehr als 13.000 Satelliten kreisen um die Erde, fast die Hälfte sind Starlink-Satelliten. Tausende sind defekt. Warum Weltraumschrott gefährlich werden kann.#RAUMFAHRT #ESA #NASA #STARLINK #WELTRAUM #Weltraumschrott #Satelliten
Weltraumschrott: Gefährliche Geschosse im Orbit
ESA accelerates the race towards clean energy from space
ESA accelerates the race towards clean energy from space
#news #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2
ESA accelerates the race towards clean energy from space
ESA is laying the groundwork for the development of satellite technology designed to harvest the Sun's energy in space before transmitting it wirelessly to receiving stations on
Copernicus Sentinel Expansion missions
The current suite of Sentinel missions are at the heart of
Okno startowe ma... 1 sekundę długości, a start oglądać można tutaj
Juice launch to Jupiter
We’re going to Jupiter – and three of its moons! The Juice spacecraft is now securely fastened to an Ariane 5 rocket and ready for launch. Juice, for Jupiter...YouTube
#art #ray #mastoart #esa 💫
esa 💫 (
Attached: 1 image A doodle to try and get back into art things #MastoArtMastodon.ART