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Items tagged with: CO2

Mineralölkonzerne betrügen mit CO2-Zertifikaten 😱


Denen ist ihr Profit wichtiger als die Umwelt... 😳

#politik #Justiz #Problem #Kapitalismus #co2 #wirtschaft #klima #umwelt #zukunft

'Tremendous' #NASA Video Shows #CO2 Spewing From #US Into Earth's #Atmosphere

The visualization shows CO2 pouring out from major cities in the U.S., before being blown into swirling eddies by atmospheric currents.

Global #warming has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year for the first time.


This year-long breach does not mean that the world has broken the #Paris #Climate #Agreement #limit, but it does bring it closer to doing so in the longer term. The 1.5C limit is a legally binding 2015 treaty with 195 signatories to set out a path for dealing with climate change.

#environment #news #fail #temperature #future #co2 #emissions #greenhouseEffect #earth

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

This is not planet Earth as we found it. The world we’ve known all our lives is vanishing in front of our eyes.

Human civilization was built upon the certainty of a stable, predictable climate allowing consistently reliable agriculture producing decade after decade of steady economic growth and allowing huge, thriving coastal cities.

But now we're seeing what happens when human industry pumps a *trillion* tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in only a few decades, when we warm the oceans to levels never seen before, and when we threaten the survival of everything that makes our lives possible.

The past is gone. Continue to hope and work for the best, but *prepare* for the worst.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #CO2 #Emissions

Line graph shows levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years. After a steady and predictable range of ups and downs, suddenly in the past century the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere shot off the charts.

Krótka historia emisji CO2

Więcej o projekcie:
@UCLAB Potsdam
#klimat #emisje #co2

It takes a village…

…of billionaires to wreck a planet.

They don’t need to have a majority, or anything even close to a plurality. All it takes is a few thousand sociopathic billionaires — the population of a village — to take full control of everything and then completely ruin our livable biosphere while further enriching themselves.

The scale on the image below is NOT exaggerated. In less than two centuries, and especially just within the last 30 years, capitalist oligarchs have burned so much coal, oil, and gas that our climate system simply can’t handle it.

It’s almost out of control now. But the people who are to blame have names and addresses.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

Image source —
Graphic shows average global temperature from 20,000 BC until the present, then extended until 2100. Also indicated are the safe climate temperature zone, the rise of human civilization, the start of the industrial revolution, and the extreme temperature danger zones that we will reach before 2050 and before 2100 if current policies are not changed.

Chart showing "Monthly averages of atmospheric CO2 as recorded at Mauna Loa in Hawaii."

Amounts of CO2 rapidly climb from ~325 ppm in 1960 to ~418 ppm in 2020. 

Graphic also notes when various meetings were held and agreements were made to limit or reduce carbon emissions. None of this has had any effect.

Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg), from page 19 of The Climate Book:

"Most people today are living well within the planetary boundaries. It is only a minority of us who have caused this crisis and who keep driving it forward. The widely popular argument that ‘there are too many people’ is a very misleading one. Population does matter, but it is not people who are causing emissions and depleting the Earth, it is what *some* people do. It is some people’s habits and behavior, in combination with our economic structures, that are causing the catastrophe."


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateJustice
A photo of Greta Thunberg, holding a microphone and speaking at a rally -- shown along with the front cover of The Climate Book.

Chart that shows trends in atmospheric CO2 versus global temperature change.

CO2 concentration rises from ~315 ppm in 1962 to ~420 ppm in 2021. Chart is annotated with dates of international meetings to address climate change, none of which have had any appreciable effect.

Car, and I wrote about it:

#ElectricVehicles #RoadTrip #Canada #EVCrossCanada #Family #CarbonEmissions #CO2 #ClimateAction