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Items tagged with: socialist

This is a set of economic ideas that I hadn't heard about before. They seem unsettling but perfectly valid.

**What If Money Expired? - NOEMA** •
#economics #money #socialist #capitalist #system

via Diaspora* Publisher -

To the 'radical' #socialist lefties ranting about fascism & talking about 'doing the work required' but refuse to #ALTtext their images, despite private polite asks...
All I see is you unwilling to do the ACTUAL work of inclusivity to fight #fascism.

Fascists eradicate #disabled first, and your ignoring disabled & unwillingness to do the labor of #inclusivity by simple ALT text makes your posts look like #hypocrisy to me.

Yes, it takes some effort. This is the work.

Hey all, heres a quick intro.

I’m a psychology undergrad living in the UK.

I have ADHD, so have a hundred interests and also none.

I’d consider my views to be left-wing, socialist, and inclusive.

My pronouns are he/him.

#introduction #adhd #socialist #uk

I didn’t want to post about it too soon, but the recent confirmed #Socialist electoral victory in #Bolivia a year after the US and Canada-backed coup is giving me some life in these dreary times.