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Items tagged with: sketches

:fediverse: Tiny Fediverse Family Sketches

I'm still penciling on the next episode of Pepper&Carrot, and this week, I did my daily warm-up before working on the pages with these sketches. Here is a cleaned compilation of them (credits in alt).

#MastoArt #krita #sketches
Pleroma-chan, a tiny fox girl ( chase happily a squid, Sepia ( This last one is affraid and run.
License: CC-By, Fred, a firefox panda mascot I found for Pixelfed (, inspired by artist Andy Cuccaro) panic on the back of a large whale smiling with headphones ( These two are not official mascot, just approximation with random quick search.
License: ??? (for Fred), my whale with headphones is an invention.
Rȯse a fennec-fox ( make some balance exercice on top of a roll and a plank, she is in full focus, eye closed. A squid, Sepia ( applaud at the scene with heart in their eyes.
License: CC-By
License: CC-By AI, Misskey mascot, a girl with a Japanese student uniform and cat ears pets on the head a tiny mastodon creature, this one is happy.
License: CC-By Misskey by Syuilo ( ) under a MIT license as far as I can tell... ((It's really hard to find license info for Ai on Misskey... Not cool -_-)) The Mastodon is not looking like the official mascot, just a cartoony Mastodon.

Noch mehr Skizzen von dunklen November 2020. Vielleicht erhellen sie den dunklen November '22 ein wenig.

More sketches from the dark days in November 2020. Maybe they will brighten up the dark November '22 a little.

#art #sketches #SeltsamerTag #ScienceFiction
Weiblicher Roboter landet nach Sprung auf dem Boden, im Hintergrund eine Metallwand mit Bullauge, durch das ein verliebter Roboter schaut.

Female robot lands on the ground after jumping, in the background a metal wall with a porthole through which a robot in love looks at her. Auf einem fremden Planeten. Im Hintergrund das gelandete Raumschiff "Orion", im Vordergrund zwei Astronauten, die eine abgestürztes Alien-Wrack begutachten. Sprechblasentext: "Das ist aber kein Frog-Schiff, Atan!"

On an alien planet. In the background the landed spaceship "Orion", in the foreground two astronauts examining a crashed alien wreck. Speech bubble text: "That's not a Frog ship, Atan!"
Roboter steht vor einem Toreingang und einer Treppe, die ins dunkle nach unten führt. In seinen Händen hält er einen gefüllten Sack. Er schaut fragend.

Robot stands in front of a gate entrance and a staircase that leads down into the dark. In his hands he holds a full sack. He looks questioning. Roboter zieht einen Anti-Grav-Hebewagen hinter sich her. Er bewegt sich dabei auf einer kristallinen, glatten Oberfläche, im Hintergrund Weltraum, ein Mond oder Planet, hinter dem die Sonne aufgeht.

Robot pulls an anti-grav lift truck behind it. He moves on a crystalline, smooth surface, in the background space, a moon or planet, behind which the sun is rising.