Items tagged with: nft
Verjüngung für die Pro Senectute durch NFT und Metaverse? - Das Netz ist politisch
Die Pro Senectute beider Basel hat vergangene Woche ihr NFT-Projekt gelauncht und bereits davor über ihr Engagement im Metaversum informiert. Michael Harr,Marcel Waldvogel (avongunten)
Granted, it isn’t the most popular narrative, both in volume of money exchanged and in volume of interest on social media, but it has a faint redeeming quality to it that I enjoy.
"I'm not selling the Mona Lisa, I'm selling ownership of it. The owner can copy it from the Louvre, but not remove it, and if the Louvre ever gets burned down, the owner would still have their ownership intact."
"But you don't even own the Mona Lisa!"
- "No. But i owe this ownership certificate of it. And for only 975 Bars of gold pressed Latinum it could be yours."
#NFT #scam
Do not make NFT with my Creative-Commons artworks.
If you respect my art, remember and apply this.
Here is my article about what just happened:
#NFT #NFTCommunity
Dream Cats NFT: don't buy them
Website of David Revoy (aka Deevad), artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.David Revoy
I see a huge market in selling others' digital "goods" as "originals" to clueless people, using fake celebs names, cash in bitcoin and diappear until next time. Possibly can't even jail me since I have stolen nothing, and provided the "goods" as well. Criminals' heaven!