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In the Press right now:

"All Those NFTs Are Officially Worthless" →

"Your NFTs Are Actually — Finally — Totally Worthless" →


A meme. This is three picture of the action figure of the painting "the scream" by Munch. The posable action figure can take very dramatic pose, over the top. Overlay to the three pose; a text:
1. But How? Astonishment overwhelms me!
2. Who knew? We didn't see it coming
3. What can I say? I'm stunned!
This is obvious sarcasm.

Note: probably a French meme at origin, I had it on my disk and couldn't find the English version online. Even on knowyourmeme database; well, this is a home remake and translation. Thanks to the original unknown French author.

@tennoseremel lol 😆

Another meme I have on my computer relevant for today 🤣 :

#SquidGame #meme #nft

A meme in two panel, from the series Squid Game. 

1. The main character ask to his friend, a successful buisness man as far he could remember: "Why are you here? I thought you were financially stable." The friend feels lost. They both are in prison like clothes, with number on them.

2. The facial expression lost of his friend is now overlaid on top of a montage of 6 NFTs "Bored Ape". Looking like he think about it and regret.
I had to read alt text to understand it (^__^)'
Qui aurait pu prévoir ???

quelle surprisitude en effet

maintenant on attend pareil avec l' "AI" #popcorn

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Yeah, and there are still people trying to scam you with that bs on Insta ... 🤷‍♀️
Oh yes, with titles like that in the press, I guess everyone will try to sell it for a little something, but I guess it is too late. I can't imagine anyone buying them back.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
whaaaa????? a speculative bubble finally bursting?????? no fucking way!!!!!!!!! who could have seen that coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funnily enough, the German meme for that is from a French movie

Nein! Doch! Oh!

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@gunchleoc 😍 Oh, Louis de Funès !
The tone of voice for the audio dub is perfect and impressive on this sample. It feels like de Funès recorded it himself.
You mean grift certificates?

in less memeing matters: it’s really dispiriting that there are still people who fully believe in that nonsense.

i often watch dave ‘japaneseprintmaking’ bull on twitch. he runs a shop making and selling japanese woodblock prints, and streams the process. transfering, carving, checking proof prints, and so on. every so often, you see someone in chat raving how cool it would be if these were NFTs, the ultimate marriage of tradition and the future.

@gekitsu True. (and sad)

I guess for a big audience the digital world became so complex to understand that they can be manipulated by gurus about it. Nfts, Ai, are cult; it works as long as there is investor/believers, imo.

It feels similar in a way to the new age and esoterism market. With a lot of Bs, gurus, and money money money to buy hope, or to exploit ignorance.😔

this was definitely not something everyone saw coming (except from the people who bought or made/stole them XD)
non-fungible tokens after becoming non-fungible for anything

noooOOOOooo my really smart investment in receipts for things that didnt exist!!!????

But the capitalist market said it would live forever?!

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awesome! Can we stop talking about them now?
@chewie Oh yes, good idea. 👍 :blobaww: I think I'll soon even no need to write 'no nfts' in my bio.
I feel like when AI too comes down like a gd meteor grifters are going to be like, "ok, what else is on TV?".

Hmm, on dirait que quelqu'un n'a toujours pas digéré la NFTisation d'une de ses oeuvres. 😆 Blague à part, c'est un des rares concepts que je trouve débiles à mesure que je les comprends.

Si ça se trouve, le Bored Ape "originel" ne s'ennuyait pas vraiment mais exprimait juste via son faciès sa consternation face au phénomène NFT.

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@stemy Hehe, c'est vrai que ça fait du bien de me moquer un peu. Surtout qu'il y a plus de 10 000 Nfts qui on trainé (ou traine toujours) avec mon nom et contre mon consentement, et des transactions estimé à 4.2 ETH donc à l'époque de la mode, un peu près 10 000 Euros ...

A propos des Bored Apes et des décideurs, je me demande aussi le tôt de cynisme qu'il y a pu avoir dans la construction du schéma. Combien d'influencer on "pomper" la trend en bluffant tout en sachant que ça allait péter. 😤

okay, but is that figure available for purchase somewhere? Because it looks amazing

@c0dec0dec0de I know it is called "munch action figure". Maybe you'll find it by searching on

If you find a eshop, paste the link here: I'm curious about the price 🙂

@c0dec0dec0de Found! , unfortunately not available anymore; out of stock.
¥7,700 , so a bit more ~50€ probably.
Oh! Ok, the price tag is a bit too high for my budget (and for a 14cm height funny meme joke figurine). Still, it's a better investment than any Nfts 😆
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I got complete whiplash when I read that, according to the Kotaku article, dappGambl's research concludes with explicit optimism. "As the market matures, NFTs are likely to [...] pivot from mere collectibles to assets with tangible utility and significance."

Very curious how they posit NFT's valiant return as "likely." And if there's supposed 'utility' then why aren't we tapping into that already?

But, yeah, as an outsider, I'm wearing my shocked face, heh.

@dressupgeekout True. I think the same Press is also guitly of many articles pumping the trend. This type of sentences is probably here to show a bit of consistence with what they probably wrote in the past to praise it. (wild random guess: I'm too lazy right now to search and read their archive on the topic).
"The Life Cycle of NFTs or How to Remove BILLIONS from the Economy with This One Weird Trick!"
truth is not the scream, but the -cream of thai pic
@aral I sold a Reddit avatar NFT for like $80 once. Fun times. Back then when I bought it I still liked Reddit and thought the artwork was cool. Presumably most of the $$ went to support a cool indie artist too.
The only reason I haven’t completely blocked the word ‘nft’ is threads like these dunking on them.

I love that some of the only actual worthy NFTs were lifetime concert tickets to the Kings of Leon minted on the blockchain.

Makes me sad for the present that we never got.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
and we recap like, “Elon is an egomaniacal dunce good at buying stuff” “NFTs are grift” “Snowden isn’t a cybersecurity expert” “blockchain has been hopelessly co-opted” “you still have to secure the cloud” “AI produces mediocrity without humans” “vaccines are real” “the earth is a relative sphere”
oh yea, “RMS is a fuckin creep”

The NFT thing is hilarious, but forgive me, I'm incredibly distractable.

Does anyone know where I can get that figure in the picture? 'Cause I want one *so* bad!

@thekimmy ☺️ Someone found a link; , it's expensive. I also found , and (but not available on those eshop)
Woof. Pricey. Maybe for Christmas. 😀
Really, REAAAALLLY wish I'd figured out a way to short these a year and a half ago. But when there's no market, there's no market.
waiting for the rest of the investment hype-train house of cards to fall. Bitcoin, blockchain fintech companies, Quantum Computing cheerleaders, LLM-mania, etc.
HHGTTG --> “How can you have money,” demanded Ford, “if none of you actually produces anything? It doesn't grow on trees you know.”
“If you would allow me to continue.. .”
Ford nodded dejectedly.
“Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.”
Ford stared in disbelief at the crowd who were murmuring appreciatively at this and greedily fingering the wads of leaves with which their track suits were stuffed.
Unrelated, but that's an excellent meme for these pandemic and climate change times

Remember how a lot of photographers, painters and other artists had things like "NFT artist" or "NFT photographer" in their bios? Or had those bogus
"[username].eth" URLs?

Yeah, haven't seen many of those lately. Oopsie 😂

Last week, my partner and I met with a lawyer to update our wills. He asked a series of questions about types of assets we own, to which we answered "yes, we own some of that" or "no, we don't".

The last asset class in his list was NFTs, to which the answer was "Do we look fucking stupid?"

@Plumbert 😉 👍
... and amazing to learn this lawyer listed it nowaday as an item of pocession. I guess this type of request will disapear in time now with their value being reduced to almost nothing.
"projects that lack clear use cases, compelling narratives, or genuine artistic value are finding it increasingly difficult to attract attention and sales."
Thank you for that image. I saved it and I will probably use it to respond to every other Toot.
good riddance to bored ape (nazi) yacht club
Absolutely fucking hilarious. Tonight I dine on the finest schadenfreude.
@markslater 👍 Yes.
(TIL: it will be hard to remember this new vocabulary, but I'm glad someone put a word on a rare and situational complex feelings 🙂 )

Y a quand même une valeur refuge pour les collectioneurs, le timbre #NFT


Avec une ouverture des ventes du 1er timbre cette semaine, je leur souhaite de n'en vendre aucun pour avoir une chance de ne pas devoir gérer une plateforme ad vitam pour 3 malheureux acheteurs.

Oui, exactement.

Bon, vue le lag de deux ans sur la trend; on peu prédire un timbre de LaPoste généré par AI en ...2025? :blobowoevil:

@devnull @framasky

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next step "your Bitcoin is worthless"
@cordelya I thought the whole crypto scam market already disappeared into the maw of the new AI scam market.
I think this captures a lot of people after fuckups put tRump in the White House.

I feel like this is a good time for the "It's easy to say this was a bad idea in hindsight, but it was also easy to see at the beginning and in the middle, too" meme.

Edit: Found it!

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Don't worry, the money isn't lost, it's just in somebody else's pocket.