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Items tagged with: maga

Donald Trump’s Plot Against America - Democracy Docket

Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American #democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it.

Trump is not hiding his intentions for a second term. Echoing #Hitler’s rise to power, he has called his political enemies “vermin” and promised his supporters that, if elected, he would be their “retribution.”

Trump’s enablers have outlined a plan for him to replace tens of thousands of career civil servants with #MAGA loyalists and to take personal control of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to prosecute his political rivals. He is almost certain to use an old law — the Insurrection Act — to convert the military into his personal domestic police force.

#corruption #violence #trump #authoritarian #dictatorship #lawless

When it comes to social changes Republicans are perfectly fine with school/mass shootings becoming the new normal and don't see any problem with kids being radicalized online when it's about white supremacy.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it's just another example of Republicans wanting to have it both ways when they claim that 'Woke culture' is dangerous because 'we didn't have that before' and that social media are evil for spreading it.

You won't change any Republicans' mind with that but I think it's still a good way to expose what their 'values' truly are for everyone to see.

#maga #Republicans #GunControl #MassShooting #transphobia #lgbtq #WhiteSupremacy #vote

Here's a crazy story:

#Florida plans to invalidate the drivers licenses and ticket those who drive through Florida with licenses from several states, including: Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, and Hawaii.

Though ostensibly an immigration law, what this really does is destroy consistent travel rights across the US. A clear violation of the commerce clause. And the RealID Act as well.

This is #coldcivilwar stuff.

#DeSantis #maga #driving #gop #republicans