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Items tagged with: introvert

How can we possibly make big decisions when we can't even hear ourselves think?

Did some solo hiking/camping this past weekend and the solitude felt like a balm for my brain.

(Tell me you're an #introvert without telling me)

A summer landscape photograph looking down into the Shenandoah Valley
A hiking trail in the woods

Self explanatory statements below. I have a theory on this.
Please boost if you take part
#poll #extrovert #introvert #mastodon

  • Extrovert enjoying Mastodon (12%, 26 votes)
  • Extrovert not enjoying Mastodon (1%, 2 votes)
  • Introvert enjoying Mastodon (79%, 165 votes)
  • Introvert not enjoying Mastodon (7%, 15 votes)
208 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago