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Items tagged with: chatcontrol

@avolha nas uprzedziła 😀 W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Panoptykon 4.0 Wojciech Klicki przepytuje @rysiek nt. #ChatControl - pomysłu skanowania korespondencji w celu zapobiegania rozprzestrzenianiu materiałów dot. seksualnego wykorzystania dzieci.

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Zdjęcia prowadzących

📰 "Wygrana w zakresie prywatności: Parlament UE 🇪🇺 decyduje, że Twoje prywatne wiadomości **nie mogą być skanowane**!

Historyczne porozumienie w sprawie propozycji kontroli czatów: PE chce usunąć kontrolę czatu i zapewnić bezpieczne szyfrowanie."

Całość [EN]:

#chatcontrol #KontrolaCzatu #kontrola_czatu #UniaEuropejska

🇬🇧EU ombudswoman on #chatcontrol: EU Commission must not hide a list of experts whose group helped undermine secure #E2EE encryption.

Here's the secret list - lots of tech, lots of law enforcement, hardly any EU experts:

List of "experts"

Komisja Europejska chce kontroli czatów w sieci. Dlaczego krucjata komisarz Johansson jest groźna?

Kontrola czatów to — wydawać by się mogło — prosty pomysł na walkę z materiałami pedofilskimi w Internecie. Niestety, jest to technicznie niewykonalne
#chatcontrol #prywatność

Morgen Abend veranstalten wir nach längerer Pause wieder ein OpenChaos. @snoopy berichtet morgen Abend über die aktuellen Gesetzgebungsprojekte der Europäischen Union mit netzpolitischem Bezug.

Das OpenChaos beginnt morgen, Donnerstag, am 12. Oktober in unseren Räumlichkeiten in der Heliosstraße.

Beginn ist um 20:00 Uhr.

#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #eu #edri #aiact #ehds #ccc #c4

Polska wobec kontroli czatu

🇬🇧 Worrying! Internal minutes reveal that numerous EU states want to pass indiscriminate #Chatcontrol #CSAM #MassSurveillance legislation in just two weeks. Protest now!

Sharepic on the question: Which member states want to adopt the chat control, which violates fundamental rights, by the end of September? 
In favour are: Spain, Ireland, Hungary, Latvia, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, France, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Croatia, Malta, Slovakia.
Against: Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Austria

End-to-End encryption is one of the good things we have with the current internet and app ecosystems. But it is under constant threat -- be it from EU's #chatcontrol, UK's "online safety bill" or the current renewed "EARN IT" effort in the US: ....
anyone of these efforts succeeding would be a dangerous dam break. Let's collectively make sure all these governmental anti-privacy efforts fail!


🥳🎉🍾 Today, the Austrian Parliament adopted a resolution that binds the hands of the interior-ministry to not agree wit the #chatcontrol EU bill (CSAR). 🇦🇹 is the first country to take such a clear stance for privacy and freedom of expression! 1/3


📝 We are gathering articles and actions against #chatcontrol in this document:

If you have any suggestions send them our way!

For the past weeks I've been reading through *all* the feedback to the EU on #chatcontrol (yes, *all* 414 comments).

Unsurprisingly, most of the feedback is opposed to the regulation (~87%, see image).

Some opponents pointed out issues I hadn't even considered, some suggested useful alternatives to this #MassSurveillance regulation.

If you want to know more, I've written a in-depth blog post about this here:

#Chatkontrolle #privacy #VDS
Sankey Diagram showing how many comments are in favor or against the proposal

#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle

I already hate plausible deniability in politicians' speech, but nothing irks me more than when it involves "child sex abuse protection" to peddle a wide net #surveillance apparatus.

This time it's the EU, but the fallacy "if you're against surveillance, you're for child sex abuse" has been successfully used in the US as well.

#chatcontrol is an EU plan to spy in real time on *all* your communication, including encrypted messengers like Signal. Let me put it bluntly: If the state doesn't trust me, I will never trust the state. This is unacceptable. Period.