Items tagged with: chatcontrol
@avolha nas uprzedziła 😀 W najnowszym odcinku podcastu Panoptykon 4.0 Wojciech Klicki przepytuje @rysiek nt. #ChatControl - pomysłu skanowania korespondencji w celu zapobiegania rozprzestrzenianiu materiałów dot. seksualnego wykorzystania dzieci.
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📰 "Wygrana w zakresie prywatności: Parlament UE 🇪🇺 decyduje, że Twoje prywatne wiadomości **nie mogą być skanowane**!
Historyczne porozumienie w sprawie propozycji kontroli czatów: PE chce usunąć kontrolę czatu i zapewnić bezpieczne szyfrowanie."
Całość [EN]:
#chatcontrol #KontrolaCzatu #kontrola_czatu #UniaEuropejska
Privacy Win: EU Parliament Decides That Your Private Messages Must Not Be Scanned!
Historic agreement on chat control proposal: European Parliament wants to remove chat control and safeguard secure encryption.Tutanota
🇬🇧EU ombudswoman on #chatcontrol: EU Commission must not hide a list of experts whose group helped undermine secure #E2EE encryption.
Here's the secret list - lots of tech, lots of law enforcement, hardly any EU experts:
Ombudsman: European Commission’s concealment of secret ‘expert list’ on CSAM regulation constitutes ‘maladministration’ - Irish Council for Civil Liberties
After a year-long inquiry, the EU Ombudsman recommends that the European Commission should monitor stages of progress in every Big Tech case that the Irish Data Protection Commission is responsible for.Kris Shrishak (Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
Komisja Europejska chce kontroli czatów w sieci. Dlaczego krucjata komisarz Johansson jest groźna?
Kontrola czatów to — wydawać by się mogło — prosty pomysł na walkę z materiałami pedofilskimi w Internecie. Niestety, jest to technicznie niewykonalne
#chatcontrol #prywatność
Morgen Abend veranstalten wir nach längerer Pause wieder ein OpenChaos. @snoopy berichtet morgen Abend über die aktuellen Gesetzgebungsprojekte der Europäischen Union mit netzpolitischem Bezug.
Das OpenChaos beginnt morgen, Donnerstag, am 12. Oktober in unseren Räumlichkeiten in der Heliosstraße.
Beginn ist um 20:00 Uhr.
#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #eu #edri #aiact #ehds #ccc #c4
c4 | OpenChaos am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober: … und was macht eigentlich die EU?
Die Europäische Union (EU) zeigt ein wachsendes Interesse und Engagement für die Gesetzgebung im Bereich des digitalen
Polska wobec kontroli czatu
Leaked EU Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption
In response to an EU proposal to scan private messages for illegal material, the country's officials said it is “imperative that we have access to the data.”Lily Hay Newman (WIRED)
🇬🇧 Worrying! Internal minutes reveal that numerous EU states want to pass indiscriminate #Chatcontrol #CSAM #MassSurveillance legislation in just two weeks. Protest now!
Internes Protokoll: EU-Staaten wollen Chatkontrolle in zwei Wochen beschließen –
Die Justiz- und Innenminister der EU-Staaten wollen Ende September über die Chatkontrolle abstimmen. Manche Länder wie Deutschland wollen mehr Zeit zum Verhandeln, wurden aber überstimmt. Diese kritischen Staaten können das Vorhaben
anyone of these efforts succeeding would be a dangerous dam break. Let's collectively make sure all these governmental anti-privacy efforts fail!
The EARN IT Bill Is Back, Seeking To Scan Our Messages and Photos
In a free society, people should not have their private correspondence constantly examined. U.S. lawmakers, we would hope, understand that individuals have the right to a private conversation without the government looking over their shoulder.Electronic Frontier Foundation
🥳🎉🍾 Today, the Austrian Parliament adopted a resolution that binds the hands of the interior-ministry to not agree wit the #chatcontrol EU bill (CSAR). 🇦🇹 is the first country to take such a clear stance for privacy and freedom of expression! 1/3
Chat Control – A Good Day for Privacy
Today is a good day for the open internet and our privacy. The Austrian parliament voted in its EU committee to adopt a resolution that – given the Austrian constitution – has a binding effect on the position of the Austrian government not to agree t…
If you have any suggestions send them our way!
Unsurprisingly, most of the feedback is opposed to the regulation (~87%, see image).
Some opponents pointed out issues I hadn't even considered, some suggested useful alternatives to this #MassSurveillance regulation.
If you want to know more, I've written a in-depth blog post about this here:
#Chatkontrolle #privacy #VDS
#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle
Chatkontrolle - Kampagnenvideo
Dieses Video zeigt kurz und verständlich, warum das geplante EU-Gesetz wenig gegen die Verbreitung von Missbrauchsdarstellungen hilft, aber auf der anderen S...YouTube
This time it's the EU, but the fallacy "if you're against surveillance, you're for child sex abuse" has been successfully used in the US as well.