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Items tagged with: tromlive

A reminder that our domain is blocked by Google and thus we cannot send any emails form our domain to any Gmail accounts... We have tried to fix this but so far no luck.

Google is an ad company so better not use Gmail in the first place.

#tromlive #google #gmail #privacy

Our TROMsite book reader has been updated after a few years of no updates. Now we also have a search, something we wanted to have for so long...

Also improved how the reader works on mobile screens.

So far so great 😀. #tromlive

Thank you so much Eduard for becoming the 77th supporter of TROM! We run a unique fundraiser for TROM in that we need only 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support us for the long run.

Distributed support so that it won't put a big toll on anyone, and a limited goal so that we do not get rich.

If you appreciate the so many things that we do at TROM (see then please consider supporting us.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #documentary #fediverse

Thank you Wilf for becoming the 77th supporter for TROM! - little by little we may be able to achieve the goal. #tromlive

Since there are still some people who donate regularly via Patreon or Liberapay for our project, we have added that amount of money to our 200 for TROM campaign, as "people" supporting us. In a way that would be around 76 people out of 200 that we need.

Not bad. Almost 40% of the support that we need.

If we'll reach 100% then TROM will be sustainable indefinitely.


Thank you Wojmir for the 10 Euros donation! Let us remind you that we desperately need help to fund our backups for all of our projects. We need to raise 300 Euros in less than 2 weeks.

To keep on doing trade-free things in a trade-based world is a fight that requires a lot of struggles, almost like swimming against a tsunami. But what is the alternative? Give up and not do anything? That's by far the easiest solution since the water current will push you into the "normal" direction. But for now we are still trying with TROM. We have reached many thousands of minds and with very little funding required. Thus, if you think TROM is still relevant, consider to support it since I (Tio) cannot push it all by myself.

Big thanks to the few people who are still supporting TROM, financially or not.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #funding

We need help to pay for our backups. This is a yearly funding campaign that we do, so if you can help us please see here - we only need 300 Euros for a full year of 4TB encrypted backups.

This means everything from our videos and documentaries, books, websites, including (meaning all of the files that users have uploaded to our services - from Peertube videos to Nextcloud files). Everything!

300 Euros to make sure that we have everything backed-up in a secure place.

Please help if you can and thanks a lot for doing that!

#tromlive #opensource #foss #volunteering #alternative

Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

TROMnews now has a search engine

In time this will become better and more relevant, the more stuff we can collect on the website.


For the first time since 2014 we are able to provide access to our own RSS Feeds for TROMnews, for those who want to keep in touch with what we curate via TROMnews, but want to do so via their RSS readers. See


Why TROMnews is important, and why no one uses it

We have a new supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign! - Thank you Darby!

We need some 150 more people to donate 5 Euros a month and support our project forever. Some 20 websites, a lot of trade-free materials and services. Support if you can 😀

#tromlive #opensource #trade-free

We've updated our TROM Videos too. Now Peertube has more cool features like the storyboard - you can hover with your mouse over the seekbar of a video and see thumbnails. Pretty nice!

We are currently generating the thumbnails for all of our videos (may take a while to finish), but any new video uploaded from now one will have this feature.

You can also add chapters to your videos and more. Awesome job @PeerTube !

From now on we will post a "must watch" documentary from VideoNeat on our Peertube's homepage - so make sure you check that out and subscribe to our VideoNeat channel -

This year we will try to focus on the content for our TROM Videos and bring new creators, plus create new videos ourselves too.

So please, if you can, help us here - we only need 160 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever.

#tromlive #peertube #documentaries #documentary

Updated our TROM Files to Nextcloud 28. Biggish update. We had to remove the following apps tho, since they were not compatible: files_3d, files_markdown, metadata, video_converter, extract. Whenever these are available for Nextcloud 28 we will enable them.

Take advantage of our TROM Files - you get 10GB of storage space and access to better tools than Google's Drive. All trade-free.

#tromlive #foss #opensource

Our TROM Call now requires a username and password in order to create a call. This is stated on the main website. The password and username are "tromcall" and it will create a unique call session every time. Therefore it can be used by anyone.

Now it should be a lot more reliable than before.


@Aaron is going to present TROM tomorrow in Hamburg at the Chaotic Computer Club event. Unfortunately he only has a small, few minutes long opportunity to present the project in a workshop-like way. We tried to get TROM to the main event but there were too many applying (over 600) so we were no accepted. We will try next year.

But awesome that Aaron is there and he is trying to spread the message.

If we will have any videos and photos we will share with you on our Friendica 😀


We have a new supporter for our 200 for TROM!! Thank you so much. 43 people are currently supporting! If you can support, please do it here

We have more plans for the next year that we will discuss in our Saturday's TROMcast Live on the 30st. Stay tuned ;)


TROMcast Live: Plans for the next year

Saturday 30st, 21:00

I (Tio) will do a live for several hours to talk a bit about my plans for TROM for the next year(s). I may allow others to join in but since this is a special TROMcast about some specific updates I want to talk about, it may only be me streaming. I will post the Peertube streaming link on the same day 😀.


We are trying again to add Paypal as a donation option to our 200 for TROM campaign - if you have a Paypal account you can give it a try, so we can test if it works well. And we will refund you. Please let us know about that.

Basically we want to test if people can donate directly with their Paypal balance.


Our Peertube instance is not for advertising your company and products. Several people tried to take advantage of our instance that accepts science/tech videos in English by uploading promotional videos for their tech-company. No more! All removed!

We will have to focus a lot more on inviting proper creators that are in line with our TROM project. We need to grow our Peertube instance and the Peertube ecosystem in general. This is going to be a long journey, but how else can we move away from the giant companies that own the Internet!?

Help out of you can. Help out this direction!


Thank you S. for becoming one of the 200 people that we need to support TROM forever. See

Actually S. had a lot of issues donating since his Mastercard refused the donation. After weeks of trying to figure out what is the issue he finally went to the bank and asked to allow for European payments. And then it all worked fine.

A few people tried to donate to our campaign using Mastercards and the donations failed. Now we know why. Some banks refuse these sorts of payments. If you can, please go talk to your bank to unblock these payments.

Much thank yous for supporting TROM financially. You support a lot of projects!


TROM part 3, Earth, now fully subtitled into Spanish thanks to Rafa, Vicky and Cesar! -

The previous 2 are also subtitled into Spanish. There is only 1 more part left and we will have it all in Spanish. You can watch the documentary here


TROM II: 3. Earth

There is only one, and one only. A few kilometers of crust layered with a few kilometers of atmosphere. A seemingly endless variety of plants and animals. And yet, the 8 billion humans inhabiting it are naively ignoring the fragility of this ecosystem. If Earth was an island, it would be the only one in a vast empty ocean.

Humans are the rulers of this world, with no corner left untouched by them. Rulers who think that they might be exempt from the rest of nature. But the destruction of this habitat is starting to have

Thank you to everyone who is supporting our TROM project via donations. Currently we have 36 people supporting our 200 for TROM cause - basically we need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever. Distributing the toll we put on everyone to make the project sustainable.

You support some 20 websites and a lot of digital materials, plus future projects. See the main website and the tools that we have.

It would be amazing to achieve this goal and it is not an unrealistic one. Thousands of people use our tools and websites.

Again a big thank you to everyone!


Our TROMjaro trade-free apps library now displays an excerpt for all of the apps in the library for the APPS main page:

This has been requested for years now and we finally did it. It is indeed super useful to know what these apps are about from the main page, without having to open them.

Enjoy over 650 trade-free apps #tromlive

We have removed Paypal from our donation options for our 200 for TROM campaign because it was not working properly and because Paypal was not supporting recurring donations without a card anyway, therefore you were still forced to use a card for creating a donation. Therefore we are now relying one Stripe for the donations, which works perfectly fine. Anyone who has a credit card can donate to our ongoing campaign.

Those who are still donating through Paypal can still donate, so no worries about that. But if you can switch to Stripe it would be more reliable. Simple log in to and under the Donor Dashboard change the payment option. In case you need help contact us via

And a lot of thank-yous to those who support TROM via our campaign. We are still in need of a lot more support so if you can, please consider a donation.


We have scheduled one new trade-free app a day for for the next 42 days. A lot of great apps. Keep an eye on it 😀. You can follow here too


Thank you Adam for becoming a supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - - there are currently 38 people supporting us. We need 200 in total. It is just 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever basically. So please, if you can, help us.

You are supporting many projects: from a lot of trade-free content to many trade-free services like social networks, video platforms, and operating system and more.


@Rokosun has fully rebuilt our TROMjaro Welcome app from scratch. Now it is a lot more elegant in terms of the code, and opens up a lot more possibilities for us to integrate more features into it. Something that we will do in the very near future.

TROMjaro is a Trade-Free Operating System. No ads, no data collection, no free trials, no bullshit.


Did you know that you could install a Trade Free Operating System for your phone?

GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, /e/ OS and more are already available for hundreds of devices. For a quick list see our Trade-Free Directory.

Or read an in-depth look at the world of smartphones - - how they evolved into a pile of garbage and how we can clean all of that crap from our phones.


Thank you so much to everyone who is supporting TROM financially every single month!

We provide a lot of trade-free content and services, and we will provide more. Right now we are still far behind what we need to run this project in a sustainable way, but via our 200 for TROM campaign (see we hope that in time, with little steps, we will achieve that.

Thank you to all of you! #tromlive

We had to remove the donor wall from because it was incorrectly displaying the donors. At times it was displaying the donors who donated for other campaigns, or displaying those that canceled their monthly support. Sorry about that. If we make it work we will add it back.

A massive thank you to everyone who goes out of their way and donates 5 Euros a month to support this massive project of ours. We will produce more content and projects for sure!


Our TROMjaro Theme Switcher has been fully re-written by @Rokosun in Nim and the owlkettle library. Our theme switcher is now made in a more sane way.

When you select a theme it will remain highlighted using the accent color of the selected theme. The notifications are also improved and you can see the theme icon in the notification preview.

Roko had to learn all of these from scratch, in order to make it. He is always improving our custom TROMjaro scripts and on top of that he is a proper human being: calm, nice, smart, down to Earth, and so friendly. How awesome that he is helping TROM so much without asking anything in return. That0s becuase he does not "work for TROM", we all work together to build something important and useful!


We in fact have 41 people subscribed for 200 for TROM campaign and not 38. See - our system did not work 100% well and we had to fix some stuff. Still fixing some other things. But 41 people are amazing for supporting TROM. A huge thank you! Maybe, eventually, we will reach the 200 goal. We need 160 more people and then TROM will be forever ok 😀 and we can keep producing more content, more projects. #tromlive

Thank you Ioana for becoming the 38th TROM Supporter! 😀 - We need to find 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month for TROM to support us forever - see

Currently we are working on managing our backups a bit better because it has become quite expensive to backup TB of data. We work on a new release of TROMjaro too, and more such technical stuff.

However soon we will shift gears and do more TROMcasts and hopefully either start creating new books that are already in the making, or transform them into a long-term video series. If we reach the 200 for TROM goal, then it will be all of that, and more, plus no more stress. To be able to continue to fight, while not getting rich off of it.

In the long term, like we said before, we'd like to create a decentralized sharing platform where people can share from gadgets to food and everything in between.

TROM is active, and more so when we get new supporters! 😀 Thank you!


Thank you Adam for becoming the 36st supporter of TROM! We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support TROM and all if its baby projects, forever. If you can, please join #tromlive

TROM Files (Nextcloud) provides 10 GB of storage space for everyone! And we can extend up to 20 GB to whoever needs more storage. All trade-free.

TROM Files is like Google Drive + Google Photos + Trello + more into one single package, but no bullshit subscriptions, ads, data collection.

You have access to Collabora (Libreoffice cloud) - a powerful Office suite that allows you to edit any documents and collaborate on them.

You have access to a Photo Gallery app and the ability to edit your photos directly in TROM Files:

You have access to a Notes app and a Music player. Plus "Deck" to organize your teams and tasks.:

Lastly you have access to a fully featured Calendar:

Please share so that everyone takes advantage of this. There is no catch if you understand what we do at TROM. We've been creating trade-free materials and services since 2011.

And please consider becoming one of the 200 people that we need in order to support this TROM project forever --->>

