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Have you ever participated in an unconference?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (47%, 144 votes)
  • Qualified yes (11%, 34 votes)
  • Qualified no (8%, 27 votes)
  • Strong no (32%, 99 votes)
304 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

yes, but I never understood the difference really.
I really miss unconferences! They were a great way to self organize and create a small micro community to tackle some interesting problem or interest, really great echos of the wide open feeling of the web in 2006/2007 era.
@bradneuberg I know, right? We had a BarCamp Montreal in 2018 -- probably the last unconference in this city afaik. We probably need to have another one in 2023.
@bradneuberg I definitely remember those form the mid-2000s! At la SAT and places like that.
I imagine with this crowd you should ask: have you ever facilitated one?
Years ago I was invited to participate in CopyCamp, which was a sort of unconference about copyright and creation (including Maori representatives talking about winning back their cultural IP, a member of Negativland and a whole bunch of other interesting people).
I even tried to run half of a conference as an unconf. Target audience wasn’t ready for it 🤷‍♂️
I went to BarCamp in Philadelphia a couple of times, and presented at least once.

As I recall we were plugging this Mastodon instance I'm on now to the conference attendees in like 2018... I thought it might take off then, and was disappointed, but perhaps good things come to those who wait.

We're overdue for another BarCamp here too, although I wouldn't want it to happen if the organizers couldn't enforce strong COVID precautions. Also need easy virtual participation.
Participated? I used to organize them!
Voted “no” as I had never even heard of the term. Just googled it and found, “An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference, such as sponsored presentations and top-down organization.”
Yeah, I’ve been to plenty of those starting in the 1980s. We just call them gatherings.
OK, this is too many Strong no's.

I'm organizing SocialWebCamp 2023.

I just registered

#SocialWebCamp #LFG
I remember Foo Camp and the discussions about federated social networks fondly. That and werewolf.

1. Are you coming to #SocialWebCamp

2. Because we are definitely playing werewolf
Unless it is virtual, then it is extremely unlikely I can make it. Only my mom and I are trained to deal with my father’s trach. So one of us has to be here 24/7. Typically, I have the night shift. Makes it hard to get away for any length of time.
@grigs oh, man, I'm so sorry to hear that!

We'll figure out how to make it hybrid.
Some day I’ll get to leave my house again! 😀

I funded this Werewolf kickstarter and look forward to playing it whenever I can hang out with others again.

If someone from Portland goes to SocialWebCamp, I could send it with them for everyone to use.
please build in a 12-step / group therapy subpage for #twitter refugees.
#mastodon #twittermigration
I can't reach the site.

Was going to propose something of the sort.

FYI has "Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR"
@lucasgonze yes you saw the part where I registered the domain minutes ago right
website not working for me.
@TedSarvata I just registered it this afternoon!
oh hell yeah! I don't know if you saw my post but I was just thinking of trying to do #FediConf again this coming year cause it got canceled during the pandemic, but if you are definitely doing this it should just be one! How can I help make SocialWebCamp happen?!
Just to clarify, what in the world is an "Unconference"?
OMG they are real, I thought it was something like that but never hoped it's a real term , i thought it was something like unbirthday. @csolisr
yes but they weren’t necessarily called that. I would also consider free-form general topic forums in the same vein. e.g. Linux & open source conferences often had “birds of a feather” evening sessions in the midst of formal schedules.