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This entry was edited (5 months ago)

A couple things to think about here:

This appears to be a malicious maintainer - not a compromised account. Meaning the person themselves, coded this in an pushed it out.

1) Did they try and backdoor any other code?
2) Are they part of a greater campaign or is anyone else helping them.

This is a massive breach of trust.

That said! Huge kudos to Andres Freund, Florian Weimer, and others in finding this.

A lot of eyes are on this now. CISA is involved. Major distros are involved, etc. Many eyes and such.

#infosec #linux #foss #hacking #cve20243094 #cve

Also it's s pretty unusual because it can only be used by the attacker since attacks need to be digitally signed to work. Don't get shocked, act calm. Upgrade if required, restart daemons.