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Mozilla Firefox :firefox:


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Tor Browser :tor:


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#Firefox #Mozilla #TorBrowser #Tor #Browser #Privacy

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
But where is the download link to get Firefox apk? I don't want Google Play in my phone.
I really wonder what will actually happen. #Chromium is open source, and theoretically slicing the blocking code could be done, only if Google don't actually rewrite the whole inner logic to be impossible to cut out bad slices.
But I see people moving from #Chrome to other browsers (opera, brave, ...) just because of the ad blockers, so yes, it works.
But I see people moving from #Chrome to other browsers (opera, brave, ...) just because of the ad blockers, so yes, it works.

If people are moving from Google Chrome to other Chrome-based browsers, the only one that is winning here is Google.


I am no zealot, I have absolutely no problem with Google earning money as long as they don't cause me harm. If they develop an otherwise great browser (because, let's face it, it is), and the OS version doesn't object adblockers and other extensions then it is okay with me.

OTOH firefox has its own huge problems, so whatever you say there will be someone telling "then XYZ will win".

I can't shed a tear for that.

@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff

I guess by your definition I am a zealot ;) But obviously I do not see myself as one, only as someone concerned by the quasi-monopoly Google has on the World Wide Web, and refusing to help them turn Google Chrome as the de-facto Web standards reference.

Another way to read that is that Google is causing me harm already, so supporting them in any way would be a self-destructive behaviour.

PS : Firefox, and especially Mozilla, can be a pain. And often is. But never on the level of Google Chrome.


@vv221 No problem, but yes you probably are.
First, about every largish company "cause you harm" in some direct or indirect way, so you oughta stop using computers. Second, many of these cause you advancements the same way and you're probably oblivious about that. Third, you mix up chromium and chrome. Fourth, right now it's Mozilla who is helping that "de-facto standard" by implementing the same shit, having dropped extension API and implemented webextensions.
But that's a religious debate 😁
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Wait, why am I wasting my time here when my interlocutor already admitted that refusing to support Google is being a zealot, but supporting Google is a perfectly normal behaviour?

I’m usually better than that at spotting trolls…

@vv221 No, you misintepreted me.
I mean there are people who "hate Google because they have to be hated" and do not want to debate about that.
"Mozilla, apparently forced to follow in Google's wake for compatibility reasons, announced it will also be requiring extensions to switch to service workers. While Mozilla will continue to support the blocking capabilities of webRequest, in addition to implementing declarativeNetRequest, it was framed as a temporary reprieve “until there’s a better solution which covers all use cases we consider important.”"
Who in their right mind uses Chrome? 😳

Many people who fell for the marketing of Google Chrome sock puppets: chromium, Brave, Vivaldi, etc.

You usually recognize them from the energy they put into pretending that the Web browser they use is not related to Google Chrome in any way.


@vv221 deliberately misinterpreting people isn't helping your reputation.

Also, you seem to know very little about those you're talking about if you believe these are all the same.

Also, if you think it's marketing just to and check independent speed tests (if you don't want to measure stuff for yourself). I am actively using FF (nightly) and Chromium (debian) and I think I have a quite realistic and experience based opinion.

What do you have?

Does chromium count?
(Its javascript is about 2-3 times faster than gecko, webgl is about 10 times.)