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#France goes full #Cyberfacist:
#DGSI literally classified using #FullDiskEncryption, @torproject #TorBorwser, #Tails, @protonmail and #VPN's as "suspicious activity" in terms of #terrorism...

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I wonder how they found out he used all these tools and what was the reason to even look at these people and investigate in the first place.
@linuxexperiment well, besides @protonmail being know to snitch on people, they might've been shoulder-surfing them...

After all, #RossUlbricht got his Laptop snatched when he was in a public library to use it's WiFi...
OFC your question is pretty valid on it's own so either #DGSI still places operatives in #Hackspaces like the one for @LaQuadrature or they f**ked up their #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec and #ComSec...

But then again, kids got accused of "hacking the schools network" for using #Linux...

Also @tails sadly doesn't have any good #UndercoverMode for a long time - unlike say @kalilinux...
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Basically, it makes a distro like @kalilinux look innocent to the casual shouldersurfer, as it looks like a current version of #Windows or a more harmless #Linux distro like @ubuntu at first glance.

OFC @tails are aware of the issue and are calling out for some maintainer to reintroduce the feature...

Basically to do so distros like @tails & @kalilinux change the look and in part feel to be like #Windows10 / #Windows11 or another "innocent" OS by customizing @gnome with different icons, wallpapers and buttons to avoid the whole "OMG THAT'S A HAX0R!" issue...

OFC your question is pretty valid on it's own so either #DGSI still places operatives in #Hackspaces like the one for @LaQuadrature or they f**ked up their #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec and #ComSec...

But then again, kids got accused of "hacking the schools network" for using #Linux...

Also @tails sadly doesn't have any good #UndercoverMode for a long time - unlike say @kalilinux...

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Granted, @gnome #Gnome should make #Themes and customizations as easy as #Windows 7-10 did and allow imprting and exporting settings into a single file...

Not shure exactly why @tails / #Tails can't just copy @kalilinux / #KaliLinux's settings and code in that regard tho...
Yeah that's indeed weird why they can't just do that.
But there's one case against it - espechally in said case in #France:

For once, we should not allow #TechIlliterates and assholes be allowed to dictate how #tech should look, feel and what we can use.

And furthermore we need to stop the rampant & rapid onset of #Cyberfacism right here and right now, before it becomes normalized to jail people for exercising their #HumanRight to #Privacy and #Security...

@torproject @gnome @ubuntu @LaQuadrature @kalilinux @linuxexperiment @tails
Which quite wounders me since #Tails also just uses #Gnome - like #KaliLinux - and in theory should be able to just copy and run the same designs...

Personally I'd love to make that happen, but the socioeconomic requirement for Wagework kinda prevents me from having the energy to do so.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Needless to say the #ChillingEffect is the far biggest problem, not that people use tech.

After all, people don't get #sus'd of armed robberies and child kidnapping as well as arrested when they drive around in a white boxtruck without any corporate foiljob or back windows...
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@Kevin Karhan :verified:
Yeah it's pretty strange what happens to some governments. I feel like these kind of things are problems in the west/western Europe.

Here in the eastern part it seems a bit different. We still have corruption of course but in a different way.

And also here in Hungary they don't seem so crazy about checking people. The police officers actually are quite sane here - they have common sense and tend to not really force laws that dont make sense.

I actually have more of a feeling that the Hungarian police is there to protect and not harass people. Anyways my point is not to overpromote central/eastern Europe but I myself am coming from Denmark and it's sad to see the direction this government has been taking with the other western European countries.

@The Tor Project @La Quadrature du Net @Kali Linux @The Linux Experiment @Tails

#Orban is a #Christofacist POS, it's just that police in Hungary are less able and/or willing to go after people that can lawyer up when they instead can harass queer folks.

But I do so the rampant #cyberfacism as main threat to #freedom, #peace, #democracy and #humanrights.

@torproject @LaQuadrature @kalilinux @linuxexperiment @tails
@Kevin Karhan :verified:

Maybe that's true. At least from my perspective Hungary is doing better in terms of freedom. Also I tend to agree more with right wing politics so #Hungary is perfect for me. I agree with many things that #Orban says and does but of course there are things I don't like too, but we take the bad sides with the good sides and calculate the overall image.

For example for pension savings I would place this in #Denmark, not in Hungary because the #Fidesz government doesn't seem to have a great track record with these 😂

So being a citizen of a left wing country, but living in a right wing country is the perfect combination for me because in this way I can enjoy the best from both worlds ✨

@The Tor Project @La Quadrature du Net @Kali Linux @The Linux Experiment @Tails
Well. Salary in Hungary is not so good after the inflation has hit.

I think the IT field was well paid but at the moment I just hope it will get better.

@La Quadrature du Net @Kali Linux @The Linux Experiment @Tails @Kevin Karhan :verified: @The Tor Project

The Orbán government indeed does some horrible things.
I talked to a Hungarian guy yesterday about this and he said that he thinks I may be treated differently by the officers because I'm a foreigner.

Maybe that might be true, i don't know.

@Kevin Karhan :verified: