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I have a very remote relationship with #autism, but this thread spells good reasons to steer clear of most autism-related public campaigns regardless of your own relationship with autism.

If you’re not autistic, please read: here’s how the cycle of autism misinformation works:

Neurotypicals (parents, researchers, autism professionals) decide to do something to β€œhelp” us. Usually it’s something distinctly unhelpful 1/
Damn, it is super painful to try to read this twitter-trash, cut apart every half sentence. People are insane using that trash for such purposes, autistic or not.

Someone please tell me what the suggested solution was, I lost focus in the middle.
  • Most autism-related public campaigns are self-congratulating feel-good frauds, either useless or harmful to autistic people.
  • When autistic people voice their concerns about these campaigns, they are promptly shut down by abled people.
  • Suggestion: Don't support autism-related campaigns unless you have the assurance it's by and for autistic people.
Okay, that's I got, but lost patience waiting for what _shall_ I do, or who shall I listen to, who shall I support? I do not like "don'ts", I prefer "dos".

And I even kind of doubt that the author has unanimous support from all "autists".
I can recommend the Autistic Self Advocacy Network that you shall listen to when it comes to autism-related information:
It reads better on Nitter:

The solution is: Listen to autistic people, not to neurotypicals who claim to speak for autistic people.
Thanks. Unfortunately doing 4 extra steps are beyond my attention span of this topic (or twitter in general).
I was kind of hoping some page to exist and run by authentic people listing all/many forum and pages to trust, or even campaigns worth supporting, but I can see why this is a dream.

I am a pretty long-time Wikipedian (thos who know me please stop grinning) and we have a fair share of autistic people of wide variety of "social incompatilibity". This is one reason that I am in a very lucky position to know that autistic people are just like anyone else, since everyone has some kind of oddity, and many of them are excellent writer, professional in their field; also many of them dislike communicating with people for very understandable reasons. None of them ever wanted to "get supported", since they are handled just like anyone else in the community.

So my question was rather hypothetical, or based on curiousity: if I ever see someone asking for support how could I know how to react? But, I confess, I probably would not support any of those since I don't see the point.

Thanks for all the responses to my curiousity.
@grin I can see you point and i'm with you at heart... but .. yeah....

We sadly have to deal with the choices other people make.... even if it's using twitter where a fediverse post or even a short blog/medium post would have fit WAY better.... mh ;)
eyyy, yeah. :)

bring on neurodiversity acceptance. bye bye normalcy conformity. bye bye conformist normalcy. drop the β€œdisorder” judgement, no matter how well meaning, or how well preened as well meaning.

reminds of picard’s bit to worf at the end of the drumhead episode (s4e21 iirc, st:tng)