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What about listening to myself? 😁uck & go … bye. PS: Surely -- imo -- does more than just help sorting thoughts. I experienced that in practice, so I'm sure ...
Sometimes I say something, and then think: 'Now, what does that mean?
I am pretty sure he never have said that. He's a teacher, makes no sense.
Even if he said the words they would be grabbed out of context.
It could be folk unwisdom. I have heard a lot of proverbs and parables, attributed to East Asian sources, that advise shutting up, like the three wise monkeys, or "the empty pot makes the most noise." Now, if you go into Whole Foods, you can find a whole rack of cards bearing sententious advice of a similar didactic nature, which seems to appeal to the kind of people who tend to patronize those stores. The popularity of the cards is a mystery to me. Who wants to be lectured? If we must have that sort of thing, I prefer two old standards: "Don't tell me what kind of a day to have!" and "Shut up, he explained." [Ring Lardner, I believe.]
My favourite is about politicians and TV-people in geneal:
"Hello! he lied."
"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens." (Jimi Hendrix)