#mastodon #newbie #tutorial
There are no #public posts. 🥺
Posts are sent only to the people following you (plus your local server community which may be a few people or a lot, it depends on where you are), nobody else.
People wanting to follow you cannot see your old posts either.
The system is basically "subscribers only", that's "federation".
There are no #public posts. 🥺
Posts are sent only to the people following you (plus your local server community which may be a few people or a lot, it depends on where you are), nobody else.
People wanting to follow you cannot see your old posts either.
The system is basically "subscribers only", that's "federation".
•Interesting posts can be boosted throughout the web of connections between people and may reach large amount of people very fast.
•It may give a false feeling of "real" public posts, but they aren't, they were just pulled by someone local.