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Yes you DO need to provide alternatives.

A lot of FOSS projects are funded by Liberapay. Where do they get their money from if people stop using the platform?

Do you think FOSS projects should be defunded?

Do you think FOSS projects should switch to Patreon? Or Paypal?

If you trash stuff without thinking through the implications, you may be making the situation much worse.
@switchingsoftware It's obviously a gross miscalculation to call Liberapay "imperfect". See for a mountain of evidence showing #Liberapay to be nothing short of reckless with privacy. They feed every privacy abuser in the industry. I do not need to "find alternatives", particularly when they service is that of luxery, plus alternates are given anyway.
@switchingsoftware, where do you suggest non-tech non-geek people find alternatives?

It is not enough to attack something just because you find problems there. You must provide a better alternative too.
@switchingsoftware A project with a privacy mission that tries to get people to use a #Cloudflare service has an inherent integrity & trust problem.
@switchingsoftware this thread is also interesting, where #swiso disregards warnings about #Liberapay & opts to proactively endorse them:
@switchingsoftware There’s basically no hope for FOSS payment platforms except cryptocurency. Believe me, I’ve tried.
You can use Stripe on Liberapay, but not every country offers Stripe.

That's why Liberapay offer Paypal, because in some countries there is no alternative.

This is all discussed in the issue that the Liberapay founder created on this topic:

They are literally asking for alternatives, why don't you participate there and try to make improvements?
@switchingsoftware #Fosspay is clearly a better choice than #Liberapay. Avoiding #Paypal is a big plus. But I must say when we compare fosspay to liberapay, it's only sensible is consider liberapay as software (not the service). All the evil with liberapay is with the service, which is what #swiso shamefully endorses. Anyway, fosspay sw is still better for favoring #Swipe over #Paypal.
It still requires Stripe which is proprietary though but it indeed drops the Cloudfare dependency. Obviously self-hosting is not an option for everyone however.

Cc: @koherecoWatchdog@switchingsoftware@mxtthxw
So, you are okay with FOSS projects being defunded then?

Or do you think FOSS should receive funding by some other method? If so, which method?
@switchingsoftware No, I don't. Having a middle man to handle your money is a non-essential luxury. Endorsing a service that works against the stated mission of the project is a betrayal and it's worse than no endorsement at all.
@switchingsoftware Government bank notes are inherently proprietary.
Even with crypto it’s likely that one’s still need to use proprietary software to convert to fiat, unless perse knows a guy. We need support from our governments to standardize and liberate payment platforms, as long as we still live in meatspace.
