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Items tagged with: religioustrauma

Especially important for those raised in religious homes, where codependency is encouraged. #ReligiousTrauma #codependency
Don’t sacrifice your authenticity for another person’s approval. Be you. They will either adjust or leave. 

-Hijacked by religion
-Weaponized by abusers to enforce compliance
-Victim blaming "Why can't you just forgive?"
Instead, ACCEPT REALITY by asking:
What happened? Who did it? Is it a pattern?
Then use that knowledge to make appropriate choices - including whether to give the guilty party continued access to your life. #forgiveness #abuse #ReligiousTrauma #wisdom #reality #criticalthinking #exchristian #psychology #counselor

Being raised by religious fundamentalists can lead to perfectionism, fear of criticism, hyper-defensiveness, being critical of others, & difficulty accepting help from others. These stem from our parents placing conditions on their love for us: We must be 100% obedient to them AND God; ie, sinless.

We internalize these conditions & apply them to our self to be worthy of love. Hyper-defensiveness & fear of criticism arise because IT WAS NOT SAFE TO BE IMPERFECT in our family. #ReligiousTrauma

#Introduction First post on M. If you're interested in #religioustrauma & recovery, definitely follow me! Together we can educate, liberate, and celebrate freedom from religious oppression & trauma.