Items tagged with: beer
Might as well do an #introduction
Name is Carey (@privacat). I am a Senior Catsultant for Castlebridge, a botique data protection consultancy in Ireland.
I think (and post) way too much on #dataprotection, #privacy, #privacyengineering #cats #beer and the #law. I think I'm funny, but YMMV.
Heads up: I am a bit/very sweary.
Come for the cat pics and snark, stay for the privacy & #tech rants and musings on data protection law and #policy.
Name is Carey (@privacat). I am a Senior Catsultant for Castlebridge, a botique data protection consultancy in Ireland.
I think (and post) way too much on #dataprotection, #privacy, #privacyengineering #cats #beer and the #law. I think I'm funny, but YMMV.
Heads up: I am a bit/very sweary.
Come for the cat pics and snark, stay for the privacy & #tech rants and musings on data protection law and #policy.
Mand 57 år fra København. Mine interesser for øjeblikket er #dyrevelfærd #økologi #artdeco #frankrig #danmark #dieselpunk #dkmastodon #electroswing #swing men også #brewing #beer #dtu Og på den mere personlige del: #adhd #add #ibd #intro
Grateful client sent us a box full of craft #beer with our branding and a message on the bottle that says "thank you for saving our kubernetes cluster" 😂
Perfect friday refreshment. Cheers! 🍻
Perfect friday refreshment. Cheers! 🍻
I've been getting a bunch of follows lately, which is amazing considering I'm not super active.
#introduction - I'm Evan, a ux design manager in Dallas. I really enjoy #cooking, #beer, and am working on getting out of gold in #overwatch
I've been focusing on my health and have dropped about 60 lbs in the past few years. I've hit a plateau recently which is frustrating. I've added 2x/week spin classes and some weight training as well as a strict tracking of calories
#introduction - I'm Evan, a ux design manager in Dallas. I really enjoy #cooking, #beer, and am working on getting out of gold in #overwatch
I've been focusing on my health and have dropped about 60 lbs in the past few years. I've hit a plateau recently which is frustrating. I've added 2x/week spin classes and some weight training as well as a strict tracking of calories