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Items tagged with: asstodon

I am now highly motivated to take some original ass pics to share with the #Asstodon community

Having started using the #Asstodon tag a few days ago, partly to add a little levity here, I've now gotten donkey-pilled. Here's a poitou! #DIY #BeTheAlgorithm
A chestnut-colored donkey foal with ridiculously shaggy coat, in an enclosure in a field. Photo via wikipedia

More #asstodon. Two donkeys my friends and I met on our last customary #trekking pre-Covid on the Confinale between Lombardy and Italy
A donkey mare and her foal on a mountain path

Dissatisfied with the lack of progress on the cleanup job, Arturo the burro is now trying to show Manuel the correct way to use the rake. #asstodon

Ever ready to lend a helping hoof, the burritos are now doing their best to rake up the manure. #asstodon #silentsunday
Burro Manuel holding a rake from pretty much the wrong end while burro Arturo supervises.

So we have #mosstodon, #frostodon and #sporespondence and they make my timeline very lovey. ๐Ÿ˜Š

And TIL that we also have #moostodon for cows, and #asstodon which is for donkeys. I love this ridiculously wholesome place. ๐Ÿ˜†
