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Items tagged with: fedilab

@Tuxi (Friendica) ๐Ÿง โœ… No offense taken, but long posts can be a problem e.g. #fedilab does not truncate such posts resulting in frustrating scrolling required in users timeline to move to next post.

@7homas โ™“๐Ÿ––โ€
#Fedilab ist nicht up-to-date was die Kompatibilitรคt mt #Friendica angeht.

Seit die Friendica ActivityPub API sich im letzten Jahr mehr an Mastodon angenรคhert hat hakt es da. Und beim aktuellen Update wurde die Mastodon Kompatibilitรคt nochmal verbessert.

Die Fedilab Entwickler wissen bescheid und das steht auf der Todo Liste.

Bis dahin hilft es vielleicht Fedilab vorzumachen, es handle sich um einen Mastodon Account. Muss ich auch erst probieren.

Bis dahin funktioniert die mobile Ansicht von Frio erstaunlich gut. Ich hab sie als "Webapp" auf den Android Screen gelegt.

Hallo !Friendica Support
Ich nutze #fedilab mit der neuesten #friedica Version und erhalte wenn ich einen Beitrag teilen mรถchte den Fehler Error 500.
Antworten und neue Beitrรคge kann ich soweit ich getestet habe erstellen.

Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen wo ich in #friedica das Error log (falls es sowas gibt) finde um herauszufinden wo hier das Problem liegt.

There is one #truth: as long as #Pixelfed hasnโ€™t a native #iOS and #Android #App it wonโ€˜t grow. For now (without the #Apps) itโ€˜s a huge step to join this cool #Federation project...

(#Fedilab and Co. is just a #pita ...!)


Picture upload broken with Fedilab ans Twidere

!Friendica Support Can you confirm that with #Twidere and #Fedilab it is currently not possible to upload images when creating contributions?

Student of mine is conducting a survey on the barriers to uptake of alternative social media platforms. Your input would be much appreciated. Please boost.

#fediverse #pleroma #gnusocial #diaspora #mastodon #activitypub #ostatus #pubsubโ€ฏ#xmpp #mstdn

Yeah, was doing that. Interestingly, i cleared the app's cache and reinstalled it. now, here I am posting from #fedilab ๐Ÿ˜„ (forgot how much i dislike typing on mobile)

Friendica and Fedilab

Hi !Friendica Support and @Fedilab
there was already a thread about problems with Fedilab 2.27.0.

Now after updating to Fedilab 2.28.0 there are no error-messages, but it seems that #Fedilab 2.28.0 only catches posts and threads up to the moment of the first start of the app with #Friendica. The timeline stops at that moment.

Here is a screenshot of Fedilab 2.28.0, the post from Hoergen was made just before i started Fedilab after upgrading:

This screenshot shows Fedilab lite, as you can see, there are more postings above Hoergen:

@Steffen K9 ๐Ÿฐ
First of all after todays upgrade to Fedilab 2.28.0 (FDroid) there was an error again showing "500 - Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", so: 500 more updates and everything will be fixed ;)
after deleting this account in Fedilab and re-entering the account data, #Fedilab seems to work fine with #Friendica again.

@hoergen on Friendica@Steffen K9 ๐Ÿฐ
On december 12th @Fedilab wrote
"Fedilab 2.27.0 is available on Fdroid.
This version introduces a regression and you should not use it if you disabled live notifications on Android O+ devices."
( )
So maybe its a problem with #Fedilab .

This post is written with Fedilab light, so it seems that Friendica works well.
